What is synonyms for as you can see

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as you can see

/æz ju kæn si/

A phrase used to draw attention to evidence or an example that supports one's argument.

Synonyms of as you can see


Strongest matches:

- evidently

- clearly

- obviously

- plainly

Weak matches:

- apparently

- manifestly

- patently

- perceptibly


Strongest matches:

- as demonstrated

- as shown

Weak matches:

- as evidenced

- as indicated


Strongest matches:

- as is apparent

- as is evident

Weak matches:

- as you might notice

- as can be observed

Usage examples:

1. As you can see, the data clearly indicates a rising trend in global temperatures over the past century.

2. As you can see, we've incorporated interactive displays to create a more engaging experience for our visitors.

3. As you can see, the combination of diligent care and the right fertilizers can produce stunning results.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a more formal synonym for 'as you can see' that I can use in written reports?

A more formal synonym for 'as you can see' suitable for written reports is 'as is evident.'

Is there a concise alternative to 'as you can see' for presentations?

Yes, 'clearly' is a concise alternative that works well in presentations.

Is there a synonym for 'as you can see' that implies a logical conclusion?

'Consequently' is a synonym that not only suggests a logical conclusion but also implies that the evidence or information presented leads naturally to the conclusion being discussed.

What is a casual synonym for 'as you can see' that I can use in everyday conversation?

In casual conversation, 'you know' can serve as a less formal synonym for 'as you can see.'