What is synonyms for affectionate towards

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affectionate towards

/əˈfɛkʃənət təˈwɔrdz/

Feeling or showing fondness or tenderness.

Synonyms of affectionate towards


Strongest matches:

- loving

- attached

- fond of

- tender

Weak matches:

- warm

- caring

- kind

- devoted to

- friendly

- crazy about

- admiring of


indifferent to, cold towards, aloof from, detached from, unkind to

Usage examples:

1. Ever since they adopted the stray kitten, Sarah has been incredibly affectionate towards it.

2. The teacher's affectionate towards her students was evident in the way she patiently guided and encouraged them.

3. Despite his rough exterior, the grandfather was deeply affectionate towards his grandchildren.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a more formal synonym for 'affectionate towards'?

A more formal synonym for 'affectionate towards' could be 'fond of.'

Is there a synonym for 'affectionate towards' that emphasizes a deeper emotional connection?

Yes, 'devoted to' is a synonym that emphasizes a stronger, more committed level of emotional attachment.

What is a casual or colloquial way to express being 'affectionate towards' someone?

A casual or colloquial synonym might be 'crazy about.'

Can 'admiring of' be considered a synonym for 'affectionate towards'?

While 'admiring of' can indicate a form of affection, it leans more towards respect and esteem rather than the warm, personal affection implied by 'affectionate towards.'