What is synonyms for full of activity

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full of activity

/ˌfʊl əv ækˈtɪvɪti/

Characterized by a high level of movement and engagement.

Synonyms of full of activity


As in bursting with activity

Strongest matches:

- bustling

- lively

- vibrant

- animated

- buzzing

- thriving

Weak matches:

- busy

- active

- spirited

- dynamic

- energetic


As in overflowing with work or tasks

Strongest matches:

- swamped

- overloaded

- overworked

Weak matches:

- hectic

- occupied

- engaged

- tied up


idle, inactive, unoccupied, empty, quiet, still, lifeless

Usage examples:

1. The bustling marketplace was full of activity, with vendors loudly hailing passersby and children darting between stalls.

2. After the renovation, the once-quiet library became a hub full of activity, attracting students.

3. The online forum was full of activity late into the night, as members from different time zones offered support to one another.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a common synonym for 'full of activity' that implies a positive, energetic environment?

A common synonym that carries a positive connotation is 'bustling.' This term suggests a lively and vibrant atmosphere, often used to describe busy streets, markets, or workplaces.

Is there a synonym for 'full of activity' that can be used in a more formal or professional context?

Yes, 'vibrant' is a suitable synonym for more formal or professional contexts. It conveys a sense of dynamism and vitality, making it appropriate for descriptions of industries, economies, or communities.

Can you provide a synonym for 'full of activity' that specifically relates to noise and chaos?

'Hectic' is a synonym that not only suggests a high level of activity but also implies a sense of disorder or chaos. It's often used to describe busy schedules or environments where there's a lot of noise and confusion.

What is a synonym for 'full of activity' that emphasizes the aspect of being filled with people?

'Teeming' is an excellent synonym that highlights the presence of many people. It's often used to describe places like beaches, festivals, or cities where the crowds contribute to the lively atmosphere.