What is synonyms for marginalize

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To treat a person or group as insignificant or peripheral.

Synonyms of marginalize


As in exclude or ignore

Strongest matches:

- sideline

- ostracize

- overlook

- ignore

- exclude

Weak matches:

- neglect

- disregard

- snub


As in make less important

Strongest matches:

- minimize

- belittle

- diminish

Weak matches:

- trivialize

- understate

- downplay


include, integrate, embrace, accept, acknowledge

Usage examples:

1. Policies that marginalize certain groups can lead to social and economic disparities.

2. It's important to include everyone's voice in the discussion to ensure that no one feels marginalized.

3. The new initiative aims to support communities that have been marginalized and overlooked.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a more commonly used synonym for 'marginalize'?

A widely used synonym for 'marginalize' is 'sideline.'

Is there a synonym for 'marginalize' that implies exclusion more directly?

Yes, 'ostracize' is a synonym that implies a more direct form of exclusion.

Can 'disenfranchise' be considered a synonym for 'marginalize'?

'Disenfranchise' can be considered a synonym for 'marginalize' in contexts relating to the deprivation of rights or privileges, especially the right to vote.

What is a synonym for 'marginalize' that also reflects the impact on societal standing or position?

'Demote' is a synonym that reflects an impact on societal standing or position.