What is synonyms for come to the aid of

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come to the aid of

/kʌm tu ðə eɪd ʌv/

To provide help or assistance to someone in need.

Synonyms of come to the aid of


As in assist

Strongest matches:

- help

- support

- aid

Weak matches:

- back

- bolster


As in rescue

Strongest matches:

- save

- rescue

- salvage

Weak matches:

- recover

- retrieve


As in support

Strongest matches:

- uphold

- sustain

- endorse

Weak matches:

- champion

- advocate


As in intervene

Strongest matches:

- intercede

- mediate

- arbitrate

Weak matches:

- step in

- get involved


abandon, neglect, ignore, desert, forsake, leave, oppose, betray, harm, hinder

Usage examples:

1. The firefighters quickly came to the aid of the residents trapped in the burning building.

2. When her friend was struggling with the heavy boxes, she immediately came to the aid of him.

3. Volunteers came to the aid of the flood victims, providing food, shelter, and medical assistance.

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Frequently asked questions

What does 'assist' mean in the context of coming to someone's aid?

'Assist' means to provide help or support to someone who is in need or facing difficulties. When you assist someone, you are effectively coming to their aid by offering your help to improve their situation or resolve their problem.

How does 'support' differ from simply helping someone?

'Support' can encompass a broader range of actions compared to simply helping someone. It includes providing emotional, financial, or physical assistance to someone in need. While helping might involve a one-time act, support often implies ongoing assistance or backing to someone.

Can 'rescue' be considered a synonym for coming to the aid of someone?

Yes, 'rescue' can be considered a synonym in contexts where someone is in immediate danger or distress, and intervention is needed to bring them to safety. While 'coming to the aid of' can apply in various situations, 'rescue' specifically implies saving someone from a harmful or dangerous situation.

What does it mean to 'intervene' in the context of coming to someone's aid?

To 'intervene' means to become involved in a situation to alter the outcome or to provide assistance. It differs slightly in that it often implies taking action in the midst of a situation to prevent further harm or to mediate a resolution, whereas coming to someone's aid can be more broadly interpreted as offering help or support in a wide range of scenarios.