What is synonyms for good fit

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good fit

/gʊd fɪt/

A term used to describe how well something matches, suits, or is appropriate for a particular purpose or situation.

Synonyms of good fit


Strongest matches:

- proper match

- ideal match

- perfect fit

Weak matches:

- suitable match

- appropriate choice

- decent fit


Strongest matches:

- suitable

- ideal

- perfect

Weak matches:

- appropriate

- fitting

- adequate


poor fit, mismatch, unsuitable, inappropriate, incompatible, ill-suited

Usage examples:

1. After trying on several pairs of jeans, she finally found one that was a good fit.

2. After the interview, the hiring manager felt that she would be a good fit for the team.

3. He was looking for a college that would be a good fit for his academic interests and extracurricular activities.

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Frequently asked questions

What does 'good fit' mean when describing a person for a job?

When describing a person as a 'good fit' for a job, it means that the individual's skills, experience, personality, and values align well with the requirements of the position and the culture of the company. Synonyms include 'suitable candidate,' 'right match,' and 'ideal fit.'

Can 'compatible' be used as a synonym for 'good fit' in relationships?

Yes, 'compatible' is often used as a synonym for 'good fit' in the context of relationships. It implies that two individuals have harmonious or complementary traits, making their relationship work well. Other terms like 'well-matched,' 'in harmony,' and 'congenial' can also be used similarly.

Is there a more formal synonym for 'good fit' when referring to a piece of clothing?

In a formal context, referring to a piece of clothing as a 'good fit,' you might use 'tailored fit' or 'well-suited.' These terms suggest that the clothing fits the wearer perfectly, emphasizing the garment's appropriateness in size and style for the individual.

What synonym can I use for 'good fit' when talking about a software solution for a business?

When discussing a software solution that meets a business's needs, synonyms for 'good fit' could include 'compatible system,' 'appropriate solution,' or 'right choice.' These terms convey that the software aligns well with the business requirements and objectives.