What is synonyms for group of people

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group of people

/group əv ˈpiːpəl/

A number of individuals assembled together or having some unifying relationship.

Synonyms of group of people


Strongest matches:

- crowd

- assembly

- gathering

- congregation

Weak matches:

- band

- crew

- group

- team

- party

- troop

- throng

- cluster

- mob

- clan

- tribe


individual, solitary person, alone, single

Usage examples:

1. The group of people gathered in the park every Sunday to play ultimate frisbee.

2. After the presentation, a small group of people stayed behind to ask the speaker more detailed questions about the topic.

3. The charity aimed to provide aid to group of people affected by the natural disaster, ensuring they had access to food, shelter, and medical care.

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Frequently asked questions

What is another common term used to describe a 'group of people' in a casual setting?

A common term used to describe a 'group of people' in a casual setting is 'crowd.'

What synonym can be used for a 'group of people' that suggests a more organized assembly?

'Assembly' itself is a synonym that suggests a more organized group of people. Other terms with similar implications include 'congregation' for people gathered for religious purposes, and 'committee' for a smaller, more focused group with a specific task or function.

Is there a synonym for 'group of people' that implies a familial or close-knit relationship?

Yes, 'clan' or 'tribe' can imply a familial or close-knit relationship among the group members. These terms often suggest a deeper bond or common ancestry among the individuals in the group.

What term can be used to refer to a 'group of people' with common interests or goals, especially in a professional context?

'Team' is a widely used term to describe a group of people with common interests or goals, especially in professional or sports contexts. 'Coalition' or 'alliance' can also be used when referring to groups formed for specific strategic purposes or to achieve common objectives.