What is synonyms for miss you

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miss you

/ˈmɪs juː/

A phrase expressing sadness or longing for someone's presence who is not there.

Synonyms of miss you


Strongest matches:

- long for you

- yearn for you

- crave your presence

Weak matches:

- wish you were here

- think of you often

- feel your absence


don't miss you, indifferent to you, forget you, ignore you, overlook you

Usage examples:

1. Ever since you moved abroad for your new job, I can't help but say I really miss you.

2. Reading through our old conversations, I'm hit with a wave of nostalgia and a simple thought, I miss you.

3. Every day, I miss you more, and your memory continues to inspire me to be a better person.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a more formal way to say 'I miss you'?

A more formal expression for 'I miss you' would be 'I long for your presence' or 'Your absence is deeply felt.' These phrases convey a sense of missing someone with a formal tone. Is there a casual or slang term that means 'I miss you'

Is there a casual or slang term that means 'I miss you'?

Yes, in casual or slang terms, you might say 'Feeling your absence' or 'In need of my partner in crime.' Another popular slang expression is 'Got those missing you vibes.' Or just send, 'IMY.'

How can I express missing someone dearly without using the word 'miss'?

You can express missing someone dearly without directly using the word 'miss' by saying, 'You're always on my mind,' or 'I yearn for the times we spend together.' These convey strong feelings of longing for someone's company.

What is a poetic or creative way to tell someone I miss them?

A poetic or creative way to express missing someone could be, 'You're always on my mind,' 'I can't wait to see you again,' 'I long for your presence.'