What is synonyms for more

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A term indicating an additional quantity, amount, or number beyond what has already been mentioned or is understood.

Synonyms of more


Strongest matches:

- greater

- larger

- bigger

Weak matches:

- ampler

- increased


As in to a greater extent

Strongest matches:

- further

- additionally

Weak matches:

- moreover

- besides


As in again

Strongest matches:

- again

Weak matches:

- once more

- anew


Strongest matches:

- extra

- addition

Weak matches:

- surplus

- excess


less, fewer

Usage examples:

1. She wanted to learn more about the topic, so she enrolled in an advanced course.

2. The team worked hard to achieve more sales this quarter compared to the last.

3. Can you please provide more details about the event so we can plan accordingly?

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common synonyms for 'more' when referring to an additional amount?

When discussing an additional amount, synonyms for 'more' include 'extra,' 'additional,' 'further,' and 'supplementary.' Each of these can be used depending on the context to indicate something added or beyond what is already present.

Are there synonyms for 'more' that can be used in the context of comparison?

Yes, in comparative contexts, synonyms for 'more' might include 'greater,' 'larger,' 'higher,' and 'bigger.' These terms are often used when comparing quantities, sizes, or extents to indicate that one thing exceeds another in a specific aspect.

Can 'more' have synonyms when used to describe an increase in intensity or degree?

Absolutely. When referring to an increase in intensity or degree, words like 'enhanced,' 'amplified,' 'intensified,' and 'elevated' can serve as synonyms for 'more.' These are particularly useful in contexts where there is a need to express a growth in strength, level, or importance.

What are the alternatives for 'more' in the context of frequency or number?

For indicating an increase in frequency or number, alternatives to 'more' include 'numerous,' 'several,' 'various,' and 'multiple.' These synonyms are helpful when the aim is to convey the idea of a greater count or variety without specifying an exact figure.