What is synonyms for heart touching

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heart touching

/hɑːrt ˈtʌʧ.ɪŋ/

Evoking strong feelings of sadness or sympathy.

Synonyms of heart touching


Strongest matches:

- deeply moving

- emotionally stirring

- heartwarming

Weak matches:

- touching

- moving

- stirring

- affecting

- sentimental


heartless, unmoving, indifferent, cold, unemotional

Usage examples:

1. The heart-touching letter from her long-lost friend brought tears to her eyes.

2. The movie's heart-touching ending left the entire audience in silence.

3. His heart-touching gesture of donating his prize money to the children's hospital was praised by everyone in the community.

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Frequently asked questions

What is another way to say 'heart-touching' in a more formal context?

In a more formal context, you could say 'profoundly moving' instead of 'heart-touching.'

Is there a synonym for 'heart-touching' that emphasizes a positive emotional impact?

Yes, the term 'heartwarming' is a synonym that specifically highlights a positive, uplifting emotional impact.

What term can be used as a synonym for 'heart-touching' in literary or artistic discussions?

In literary or artistic discussions, 'moving' is often used as a synonym for 'heart-touching.'

Can 'empathetic' be considered a synonym for 'heart-touching'?

'Empathetic' is related but not exactly a synonym for 'heart-touching.'