What is synonyms for large group

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large group

/lɑːrdʒ gruːp/

A considerable number of individuals or items gathered or considered together.

Synonyms of large group


Strongest matches:

- crowd

- multitude

- assembly

- congregation

- mass

- horde

- throng

Weak matches:

- gathering

- cluster

- collection

- array


small group, few, handful, couple, minority

Usage examples:

1. A large group of tourists gathered around the historical monument, listening to the guide's explanations.

2. The conference room was filled with a large group of professionals from various industries.

3. A large group of friends decided to go camping together for the weekend, enjoying nature and each other's company.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a synonym for 'large group' that implies a more organized assembly?

'Cohort' is a synonym that suggests a more organized group, often used to describe a group of people banded together or treated as a single entity in a specific context, such as in studies, military, or educational settings.

Which synonym for 'large group' is best used when referring to a disorderly crowd?

'Mob' is the ideal synonym when you're referring to a large, disorderly crowd, often implying a sense of chaos and lack of organization, typically used in contexts of protests or riots.

Is there a synonym for 'large group' that specifically denotes a group of people with a common interest?

'Fellowship' is a synonym that denotes a group of people sharing a common interest, goal, or purpose. It implies a sense of camaraderie and mutual support among the members.

What synonym can I use for 'large group' that conveys a sense of multitude but in a more formal or elegant manner?

'Assembly' is a more formal synonym for 'large group.' It is often used to describe a gathering of people, usually for a specific purpose, such as a legislative assembly or a school assembly, conveying a sense of order and structure.