What is synonyms for yummy

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Delicious or highly appetizing.

Synonyms of yummy


As in delicious, very tasty

Strongest matches:

- scrumptious

- delectable

- mouthwatering

- delicious

Weak matches:

- tasty

- luscious

- savory

- palatable


As in desirable, appealing

Strongest matches:

- appealing

- attractive

Weak matches:

- delightful

- pleasant


unpalatable, tasteless, disgusting, yucky, unappetizing

Usage examples:

1. The chocolate cake she baked was so yummy that everyone asked for a second slice.

2. We had a yummy dinner at the new Italian restaurant downtown.

3. The fresh fruit salad looked both colorful and yummy, perfect for a summer day.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common synonyms for 'yummy'?

Common synonyms for 'yummy' include 'tasty,' 'delicious,' 'scrumptious,' and 'delectable.' Each of these words can be used to describe food that tastes very good.

Can 'appetizing' be considered a synonym for 'yummy'?

Yes, 'appetizing' can be considered a synonym for 'yummy,' though it slightly differs in nuance. While 'yummy' directly comments on the taste, 'appetizing' refers to how appealing or inviting the food looks, which indirectly suggests it will taste good as well.

Is there a difference between 'savory' and 'yummy'?

Yes, there is a subtle difference. 'Savory' specifically refers to a pleasant taste that is salty or spicy, rather than sweet, and is often used to describe meat dishes, cheeses, and other protein-rich foods. 'Yummy,' on the other hand, is a more general term that can describe any food that tastes very good, regardless of whether it's sweet, savory, salty, or spicy.

Are there any formal synonyms for 'yummy' suitable for written or professional contexts?

While 'yummy' is more casual and colloquial, synonyms like 'delectable,' 'exquisite,' and 'gourmet' are more formal and may be more suitable for written or professional contexts. 'Delicious' and 'tasty' can also be used in formal contexts, offering a balance between casual and sophisticated tones.