What is synonyms for due to

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due to

/ˈdjuː tuː/

Because of; owing to.

Synonyms of due to


Strongest matches:

- cause

- basis

- grounds

Weak matches:

- justification

- rationale

- pretext


Strongest matches:

- because of

- owing to

- on account of

Weak matches:

- through

- by virtue of

- given


despite, in spite of, regardless of, even with

Usage examples:

1. Due to the severe weather forecast, the outdoor concert was postponed to ensure everyone's safety.

2. The success of the project was due to the hard work and dedication of the entire team.

3. Due to a misunderstanding in the instructions given, the cake didn't turn out as expected.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a synonym for 'due to'?

A synonym for 'due to' is 'because of.' Both phrases are used to indicate the reason or cause for something.

Can 'owing to' be used interchangeably with 'due to'?

Yes, 'owing to' can be used interchangeably with 'due to.' They both serve to express the cause or reason behind an occurrence or situation.

Is 'as a result of' a synonym for 'due to,' and if so, in what context can it be used?

'As a result of' is indeed a synonym for 'due to' and is used to link an effect with its cause. It is typically used in more formal or written contexts to explain the outcome of a particular cause.

Can 'on account of' replace 'due to' in a sentence without changing the meaning?

Yes, 'on account of' can replace 'due to' without altering the meaning of a sentence. Both phrases are used to attribute a certain effect to a specific cause, though 'on account of' might be considered slightly more formal.