What is synonyms for more likely

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more likely

/mɔːr ˈlaɪkli/

Having a higher probability of occurring or being true.

Synonyms of more likely


Strongest matches:

- comprehensive

- complete

- total

- universal

Weak matches:

- general

- widespread

- broad

- extensive


Strongest matches:

- altogether

- entirely

Weak matches:

- generally

- broadly

- largely

- mostly


more unlikely, more unbelievably, more incredibly

Usage examples:

1. Based on the weather forecast predicting a severe storm this weekend, it's more likely that the outdoor concert will be postponed.

2. Given her years of experience and expertise in the field, she's more likely to be offered the job than the other candidates.

3. Considering the progress of negotiations, it's more likely that the two parties will reach a consensus soon.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common synonyms for 'more likely'?

Some frequent synonyms for 'more likely' include 'probable,' 'likely,' 'plausible,' and 'feasible.' These terms suggest a higher likelihood or possibility of something happening or being true.

Is 'probable' a stronger term than 'more likely'?

'Probable' and 'more likely' are often used interchangeably, but 'probable' can imply a stronger sense of likelihood or certainty about an event or fact. However, the distinction can sometimes be subtle and context-dependent.

Can 'plausible' and 'feasible' be used in the same contexts as 'more likely'?

'Plausible' and 'feasible' can sometimes be used in similar contexts as 'more likely,' but they carry slightly different connotations. 'Plausible' often refers to something appearing true or reasonable, while 'feasible' relates to the practicality or possibility of something being done. They can be used when discussing likelihood but are more specific in meaning.

Is there a difference in usage between 'likely' and 'more likely'?

'Likely' indicates that something has a good chance of happening, while 'more likely' is a comparative term used to suggest that one thing has a higher probability of occurring than another. 'More likely' is used when comparing two or more possibilities or outcomes.