What is synonyms for great performance

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great performance

/greɪt pərˈfɔːrməns/

An outstanding display of skill, talent, or ability in a particular activity or event.

Synonyms of great performance


Strongest matches:

- outstanding performance

- excellent performance

- superb performance

- stellar performance

- exceptional performance

Weak matches:

- success

- hit

- standout

- tour de force

- masterpiece

- triumph


poor performance, weak performance, bad performance, subpar performance, disappointing performance

Usage examples:

1. The lead actress gave a great performance in the new Broadway play.

2. Despite the challenges faced by the team, they managed to pull off a great performance in the final match.

3. After upgrading my computer's hardware, I noticed a great performance improvement in processing speed and multitasking capabilities.

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Frequently asked questions

What is another way to describe a 'great performance' in a single word?

An excellent synonym for 'great performance' in a single word would be 'Stellar.' This term captures the exceptional quality and outstanding nature of a performance.

How can I compliment someone on a great performance without using the word 'great'?

You can compliment someone on a performance by using phrases like 'outstanding performance,' 'remarkable display,' or 'exceptional showcase.' Each of these phrases conveys a high level of praise and admiration without directly using the word 'great.'

Is there a more formal synonym for 'great performance' suitable for written reviews?

Yes, for a more formal or professional context, you might opt for 'superlative performance' or 'exemplary execution.' These terms are particularly suitable for written reviews where a more sophisticated vocabulary is often appreciated.

What are some synonyms for 'great performance' that specifically relate to the context of a live show or theatre?

In the context of live shows or theatre, terms like 'riveting performance,' 'captivating show,' or 'spellbinding act' are excellent synonyms. Each of these conveys the engaging and mesmerizing quality of a performance in a live setting.