What is synonyms for event

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A happening or occurrence, especially one of significance.

Synonyms of event


As in occurrence/incident

Strongest matches:

- happening

- occurrence

- incident

Weak matches:

- circumstance

- situation


As in competition/contest

Strongest matches:

- competition

- contest

- tournament

Weak matches:

- game

- match

- meet


As in social gathering

Strongest matches:

- party

- celebration

- gathering

Weak matches:

- get-together

- assembly

- meeting


As in significant moment

Strongest matches:

- milestone

- landmark

- turning point

Weak matches:

- juncture

- crossroads


As in scheduled activity

Strongest matches:

- function

- occasion

- affair

Weak matches:

- festivity

- ceremony

- spectacle


non-event, inaction, inactivity, uneventfulness, idleness, passivity

Usage examples:

1. Event Planning: The annual charity event was meticulously planned months in advance, ensuring every detail was perfect for the night of the gala.

2. Historical Event: The moon landing in 1969 was a monumental event in human history, marking the first time mankind set foot on a celestial body other than Earth.

3. Scientific Event: The eclipse was an awe-inspiring event, as people from all over the world gathered with their telescopes and cameras to witness the moon passing directly between the Earth and the sun.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common synonyms for the word 'event'?

Several synonyms can be used in place of 'event,' including 'occurrence,' 'happening,' 'affair,' 'incident,' 'episode,' 'occasion,' and 'function'. The choice of synonym depends on the context in which you're referring to the event.

When should I use 'occurrence' instead of 'event'?

'Occurrence' is a synonym that often implies a more casual or less planned aspect than 'event.' Use 'occurrence' when you want to emphasize the spontaneous or natural aspect of the event, rather than its organized nature.

Is there a difference between an 'affair' and an 'event'?

Yes, while both words can be used interchangeably in some contexts, 'affair' often carries a connotation of a more personal or private nature, sometimes with a hint of secrecy or scandal. 'Event,' on the other hand, is more neutral and can refer to any significant happening, whether public or private, formal or informal.

Can 'episode' be used as a synonym for 'event'?

'Episode' can indeed be used as a synonym for 'event,' especially when referring to a specific incident within a larger series or sequence of events. It often implies a story or narrative element, highlighting the event's role within a broader context or sequence. Using 'episode' can suggest a focus on the distinctiveness or impact of the event in question.