What is another word for sit

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To assume or maintain a position in which the body is more or less upright.

Antonyms of sit


Strongest matches:

- stand

- rise

- walk

- move

Weak matches:

- jog

- run

- stretch

- dance


perch, settle, rest, take a seat, squat, lounge, plop down, seat oneself, ensconce, plant oneself

Usage examples:

1. Please sit down and make yourself comfortable.

2. She asked her dog to sit before giving it a treat.

3. I can't wait to sit by the beach and relax this weekend.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a direct antonym for 'sit'?

A direct antonym for 'sit' is 'stand.' While 'sit' refers to being in a seated position, 'stand' means to be upright on one's feet.

Can 'walk' be considered an antonym of 'sit'?

Yes, 'walk' can be considered an antonym of 'sit' in contexts where the focus is on the action of moving versus being stationary in a seated position. It contrasts the static nature of sitting with the dynamic action of walking.

Is 'lie down' an antonym for 'sit,' and in what context?

'Lie down' can be considered an antonym of 'sit' in contexts where the distinction is between different body postures. While 'sit' involves being in a seated position with the torso upright, 'lie down' involves being in a horizontal position.

Are there any less common antonyms for 'sit' that can be used in specific situations?

Yes, terms like 'rise' or 'ascend' can serve as antonyms in specific contexts, particularly in literature or when describing movement. 'Rise' suggests moving from a sitting to a standing position, and 'ascend' might be used metaphorically to describe elevation from a seated position.