What is another word for familiar

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Often encountered or seen; common or well-known.

Antonyms of familiar


Strongest matches:

- strange

- unknown

- unfamiliar

- foreign

Weak matches:

- distant

- aloof

- exotic


acquainted, knowledgeable, conversant, versed, accustomed, used, well-informed, friendly, intimate, close, chummy, cozy, informal, casual, easy, easygoing

Usage examples:

1. When she walked into the cozy café, the familiar scent of freshly brewed coffee immediately comforted her.

2. He looked at the old photo, and a familiar sense of nostalgia washed over him.

3. The streets of her hometown were familiar, yet she noticed something new around every corner.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a common antonym for 'familiar'?

A common antonym for 'familiar' is 'unfamiliar,' which describes something or someone not known or recognized.

Can 'foreign' be considered an antonym of 'familiar'?

Yes, 'foreign' can be considered an antonym of 'familiar,' especially in contexts where 'familiar' is used to describe something well-known or domestic, making 'foreign' its opposite as it implies being from another country or unfamiliar.

Is 'strange' a suitable antonym for 'familiar'?

Yes, 'strange' is a suitable antonym for 'familiar.' While 'familiar' refers to something well-known or easily recognized, 'strange' refers to something unusual or not previously encountered, highlighting a lack of familiarity.

How does 'novel' work as an antonym for 'familiar'?

'Novel' works as an antonym for 'familiar' by emphasizing newness or originality. While 'familiar' suggests comfort and recognition due to previous exposure, 'novel' suggests something fresh, innovative, or not seen before, thus lacking familiarity.