What is synonyms for social media

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social media

/səʊʃəl ˈmiːdiə/

Platforms where users create, share, and interact with content and each other online.

Synonyms of social media


As in platforms for online interaction

Strongest matches:

- social networking sites

- social platforms

- online communities

Weak matches:

- digital hangouts

- virtual communities


As in tools for communication

Strongest matches:

- communication channels

- networking tools

Weak matches:

- digital communication platforms

- digital networking platforms

- online forums


private communication, isolation, solitude, disconnection, offline interaction, individual activity

Usage examples:

1. After posting her artwork on social media, she received numerous likes and encouraging comments from people around the globe.

2. The company's marketing team decided to launch a new product exclusively on their social media platforms.

3. Concerns about privacy and data security on social media have led to increased scrutiny.

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Frequently asked questions

What is another term commonly used for 'social media' that emphasizes the networking aspect?

A frequently used synonym that highlights the networking aspect is 'social networking sites.' This term emphasizes the connections and interactions among users.

Is there a synonym for 'social media' that reflects its use for personal expression and content sharing?

Yes, 'social platforms' is a term that reflects the personal expression and content sharing aspect of social media. It underlines the role these sites play as a stage for users to share their lives and opinions.

What synonym can I use for 'social media' in a professional or business context?

In professional or business contexts, 'digital networking platforms' is a suitable synonym. This term conveys the professional networking and business development opportunities these platforms offer.

For academic or formal discussions, is there a more appropriate term to use instead of 'social media'?

In academic or formal discussions, 'online social networks' or 'social networking services' are preferred terms. They offer a more precise definition suitable for scholarly analysis.