What is synonyms for did not

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did not

/ˈdɪd nɑt/

Indicates that an action was not performed in the past.

Synonyms of did not


As in action not taken or refusal

Strongest matches:

- refused

- declined

- rejected

Weak matches:

- passed

- skipped

- avoided


As in failure to perform

Strongest matches:

- failed

- neglected

- overlooked

Weak matches:

- missed

- overpassed

- disregarded


did, accomplished, completed, executed, performed, carried out

Usage examples:

1. Despite her best efforts to finish her project on time, she did not manage to meet the deadline.

2. They did not think it was going to rain, so they left the house without umbrellas, only to be caught in a sudden downpour.

3. The teacher asked if anyone had read the assigned book, but most of the students did not raise their hands.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a common synonym for 'did not' when emphasizing failure to perform an action?

A common synonym for 'did not' in this context is 'failed to.' For example, 'He did not finish his homework on time' can be rephrased as 'He failed to finish his homework on time.'

Is there a formal synonym for 'did not' that can be used in professional or academic writing?

Yes, 'did not' can be formally replaced with 'did not succeed in' or simply 'did not.' For instance, 'The team did not complete the project' could be rewritten as 'The team did not succeed in completing the project.'

How can I replace 'did not' in a sentence to make it sound more positive?

To convey a more positive tone, you might use 'was unable to' or 'could not.' These phrases can soften the negative impact. For example, 'She did not pass the test' could become 'She was unable to pass the test.'

What is an alternative phrase to 'did not' that could imply effort was made but unsuccessful?

An alternative phrase that implies effort but unsuccessful outcome is 'attempted but did not.' This shows that an attempt was made despite the lack of success. For instance, 'He did not win the race' can be expressed as 'He attempted but did not win the race.'