What is synonyms for gentle reminder

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gentle reminder

/ˈdʒɛn.təl rɪˈmaɪn.dər/

A subtle or kind notification to prompt someone to remember or do something.

Synonyms of gentle reminder


Strongest matches:

- friendly reminder

- polite reminder

- courteous reminder

- soft reminder

- kind reminder

Weak matches:

- nudge

- hint

- prompt

- little reminder

- minor reminder


harsh warning, stern warning, severe reminder, strict reminder

Usage examples:

1. Sarah sent out a gentle reminder via email to the team, urging them to submit their reports by the end of the day.

2. The soft chime of the clock served as a gentle reminder that it was time to take a break.

3. In his speech, the principal included a gentle reminder to the graduating class to always stay kind.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some synonyms for 'gentle reminder' that I can use in a professional email?

In a professional setting, you might opt for phrases like 'friendly reminder,' 'kind reminder,' or 'courteous reminder.' These alternatives maintain the polite and non-confrontational tone of 'gentle reminder.'

Are there any informal synonyms for 'gentle reminder' for use among friends or family?

Yes, for a more casual or informal context, you might use phrases like 'quick nudge,' 'soft prompt,' or 'little reminder.' These convey a lighter tone, suitable for communication with friends or family.

Can 'gentle reminder' and its synonyms be considered passive-aggressive in some contexts?

Yes, depending on the tone of the message and the relationship between the sender and receiver, 'gentle reminder' and similar phrases can sometimes be perceived as passive-aggressive. It's important to consider the context and your wording carefully to avoid unintended implications.

How can I ensure that my use of 'gentle reminder' or its synonyms is received positively?

To ensure a positive reception, pair your reminder with a polite opening, express appreciation for the recipient's attention or efforts, and possibly offer assistance or to answer any questions. This approach helps to soften the reminder and reinforces your respect and consideration for the recipient.