What is synonyms for sisters

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Female siblings who share at least one parent in common.

Synonyms of sisters


As in related to family members

Strongest matches:

- siblings

- kin

- relatives

Weak matches:

- kinfolk

- kinswomen


As in related to women in religious orders

Strongest matches:

- nuns

- consecrated women

Weak matches:

- religious

- sisters of the cloth


As in related to close female friends

Strongest matches:

- soul sisters

Weak matches:

- confidantes

- companions


brothers, brethren

Usage examples:

1. Growing up, the bond between the sisters was unbreakable.

2. The two sisters spent their weekends baking cookies and sharing stories from their week.

3. The sisters decided to start a business together, combining their unique skills and talents.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common synonyms for 'sisters' when referring to family members?

Common synonyms include siblings (if gender is not specified), kin, kinfolk, and blood relatives. These terms can be used interchangeably when referring to sisters within a familial context.

Are there any formal synonyms for 'sisters' that can be used in professional or academic writing?

Yes, terms like 'female siblings' or 'sisterhood' can be more appropriate in formal contexts. 'Female siblings' is precise and clear, while 'sisterhood' can denote a bond or relationship among sisters or women sharing a common attribute or profession.

What synonyms exist for 'sisters' that emphasize a close non-biological relationship?

Synonyms that capture a close, non-biological bond include 'soul sisters,' 'kindred spirits,' and 'bosom friends.' These terms suggest a deep, sister-like relationship without implying a family connection.

Are there synonyms for 'sisters' that are specific to certain cultures or languages?

Yes, many cultures have unique terms that encapsulate the concept of sisterhood in a way that is deeply intertwined with their social and familial structures. For example, in Hawaiian, 'kaikuaʻana' refers to an older sister, while 'kaikuahine' is a younger sister.