What is synonyms for that

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At that time or subsequently.

Synonyms of that


Strongest matches:

- subsequently

- afterwards

- later

- next

Weak matches:

- eventually

- thereafter

- following that


Strongest matches:

- consequently

- therefore

Weak matches:

- hence

- thus


now, before, previously, formerly

Usage examples:

1. We went to the movies, and then we had dinner at our favorite restaurant.

2. I plan to go for a jog in the park, then meet up with friends for brunch at our favorite cafe.

3. If the weather is nice, then we can have a picnic in the park.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common synonyms for the word 'then'?

Some common synonyms for 'then' include 'subsequently,' 'afterward,' 'next,' and 'thereafter.' The choice of synonym depends on the specific context in which you're using the word.

Can 'consequently' be used as a synonym for 'then'?

Yes, 'consequently' can be used as a synonym for 'then' in contexts that emphasize a cause-and-effect relationship. It's more specific than 'then' and is used when the result or outcome of an action is being highlighted.

Is there a difference between using 'then' and 'afterwards' in a sentence?

Both 'then' and 'afterwards' indicate a sequence in time, but 'afterwards' specifically implies that an event occurs following another event, often with a focus on a sequence of events. 'Then' can be used more broadly to denote the next step in a logical sequence, a specific point in time, or as a consequence.

In what context would 'subsequently' be a better choice than 'then'?

'Subsequently' is a formal synonym of 'then' and is better suited for written texts, especially in academic or professional contexts. It specifically refers to something happening after a particular event or time and is ideal when you want to emphasize the order of events in a more sophisticated or precise manner.