What is synonyms for most important

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most important

/moʊst ˈɪmpɔːrtənt/

Crucial or of greatest significance.

Synonyms of most important


Strongest matches:

- crucial

- essential

- paramount

- vital

Weak matches:

- significant

- key

- primary

- central

- principial


Strongest matches:

- priority

- necessity

Weak matches:

- imperative

- prerequisite


least important, trivial, insignificant, minor, secondary, negligible, inconsequential, peripheral

Usage examples:

1. The most important aspect of communication is listening, not just hearing, but truly understanding the other person's perspective.

2. In a recipe, the most important ingredient is often the one that brings all the flavors together, like salt in a savory dish or vanilla in a cake.

3. When planning a trip, the most important step is to ensure your travel documents are in order.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a common synonym for 'most important' that can be used in a business context?

In a business context, 'crucial' is a widely accepted synonym for 'most important.' It conveys a sense of critical importance or necessity to the success or failure of business operations or decisions.

Is there a synonym for 'most important' that fits well in an academic or scholarly setting?

'Paramount' is an appropriate synonym for 'most important' in academic or scholarly texts. It signifies that something holds supreme importance or stands above all others in priority or necessity within a theoretical or research context.

Is there a more informal synonym for 'most important' that I could use in everyday conversation?

'Key' is a more informal synonym that works well in everyday conversation. Saying something is the 'key' issue, factor, or point implies it is most important or critical among others in a casual or informal setting.

What synonym for 'most important' would be suitable for use in legal or official documents?

'Principal' is a suitable synonym for 'most important' in legal or official documents. It denotes primary importance or the main subject of concern, fitting the formal tone required in such contexts.