What is synonyms for unknown

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Used to describe something that is not known or recognized.

Synonyms of unknown


Strongest matches:

- unfamiliar

- unidentified

- usterious

- unknown

Weak matches:

- obscure

- uncharted

- unexplored

- undiscovered

- anonymous


Strongest matches:

- mystery

- enigma

- anonymity

- unknown quantity

- X-factor


known, familiar, identified, recognized, discovered, understood, acknowledged

Usage examples:

1. The cause of the mysterious lights in the sky remained unknown, sparking curiosity among the local residents.

2. She delved into the unknown depths of the ocean, eager to discover species that science had yet to document.

3. Facing the unknown future, he decided to embrace the uncertainty with optimism, ready for whatever challenges might come his way.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common synonyms for the word 'unknown'?

Several words can be used interchangeably with 'unknown,' depending on the context. These include 'unfamiliar,' 'undiscovered,' 'mysterious,' 'unidentified,' and 'obscure.' Each synonym has a slightly different nuance, making it suitable for particular situations.

When should I use 'undiscovered' instead of 'unknown'?

'Undiscovered' is best used when referring to something that has not yet been found or recognized, especially when talking about places, species, or scientific phenomena. It implies that the subject is waiting to be discovered. On the other hand, 'unknown' is more general and can refer to anything that is not known or is not familiar.

Can 'mysterious' be used in all contexts as a synonym for 'unknown'?

'Mysterious' carries a connotation of mystery, secrecy, or something that is not fully understood or explainable. It's an appropriate synonym for 'unknown' when you want to emphasize the enigmatic or intriguing aspect of the unknown entity. However, it might not be suitable for contexts where the unknown factor is mundane or lacks an element of mystery.

Is there a difference between 'unidentified' and 'unknown'?

Yes, there is a subtle difference. 'Unidentified' specifically refers to something that has been observed or encountered but has not been named or recognized. It's often used in legal, scientific, and technical contexts. 'Unknown,' however, is more broad and can refer to anything that is not known, regardless of whether it has been observed. 'Unidentified' might be a subset of 'unknown,' focusing on the aspect of identification.