What is synonyms for this

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A demonstrative pronoun used to identify a specific thing or person close at hand or being indicated or experienced.

Synonyms of this


Strongest matches:

- that

- these

- those

Weak matches:

- it

- here

- presently

- this one


worst regards, ill wishes, bad luck, ill will, unfriendly sentiments

Usage examples:

1. I need to finish this assignment by tomorrow.

2. Can you believe this is the same restaurant we visited last year?

3. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the topic.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common synonyms for 'this'?

Common synonyms for 'this' include 'that,' 'these,' 'those,' and in some contexts, 'it.' The choice depends on the distance (physical or metaphorical) and the number (singular or plural) of the item(s) being referred to.

Can 'such' be used as a synonym for 'this'?

Yes, 'such' can be used as a synonym for 'this,' particularly when referring to an example or type of thing previously mentioned. It emphasizes the example or type rather than the specific item. For instance, 'Such behavior is unacceptable' can mean 'Behavior like this is unacceptable.'

Is there a difference between using 'this' and 'the' as synonyms?

While 'this' and 'the' can sometimes be used interchangeably, they serve different purposes. 'This' is used to indicate a specific item or matter that is close in distance or time, or is currently being mentioned. 'The,' however, is a definite article used to refer to something already known to the listener or reader, without the same emphasis on proximity or immediacy.

How to choose the right synonym for 'this' in a sentence?

Choosing the right synonym depends on the context and what you are referring to. If you're talking about something close to you or the current subject of discussion, 'this' is usually best. For something further away in distance or time, 'that' or 'those' might be more appropriate. If referring to a specific type or example, 'such' could be the better choice. Always consider the clarity and flow of your sentence when choosing synonyms.