What is synonyms for try hard

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try hard

/ˈtraɪ ˈhɑrd/

To make a great effort to achieve something.

Synonyms of try hard


Strongest matches:

- strive

- exert effort

- make an effort

- work diligently

- endeavor

- exert oneself

Weak matches:

- attempt

- put in effort

- do your best

- give it your all

- put in work

- involve oneself


give up, quit, surrender, yield, abandon

Usage examples:

1. Despite the challenging puzzle, Sarah decided to try hard and eventually solved it after many attempts.

2. The coach encouraged the team to try hard during practice if they wanted to win the championship.

3. Realizing the importance of the exam for his future, Jason made a commitment to try hard and study every day.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a common synonym for 'try hard' when referring to putting in a lot of effort?

A common synonym for 'try hard' in the context of exerting a lot of effort is 'strive.' This term emphasizes making great efforts to achieve a goal.

Is there a more informal synonym for 'try hard' that can be used in casual conversation?

Yes, 'give it your all' is a more informal phrase that conveys the same meaning as 'try hard.' It suggests putting in maximum effort without holding back.

Can 'endeavor' be used as a synonym for 'try hard'?

'Endeavor' is indeed a synonym for 'try hard' and is typically used in a more formal or literary context. It implies a serious or sustained effort towards achieving a specific goal.

What synonym for 'try hard' would be appropriate in a professional setting?

In a professional setting, 'exert oneself' is a suitable synonym for 'try hard.' It's a formal phrase that conveys the idea of applying oneself diligently to accomplish a task or goal.