What is synonyms for not giving up

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not giving up

/ˈnɑt ˌɡɪvɪŋ ˈʌp/

Persisting despite difficulties or obstacles.

Synonyms of not giving up


Strongest matches:

- persistent

- tenacious

- steadfast

- resolute

- determined

- unwavering

Weak matches:

- obstinate

- stubborn

- dogged

- unyielding

- indefatigable

- tireless


Strongest matches:

- perseverance

- persistence

- determination

- tenacity

Weak matches:

- endurance

- stamina

- resilience

- steadfastness


Strongest matches:

- persist

- persevere

- continue

- endure

Weak matches:

- strive

- uphold

- maintain

- pursue


surrendering, quitting, conceding, yielding, giving up, abandoning, capitulating, relinquishing

Usage examples:

1. Despite the numerous challenges he faced, his determination and spirit of not giving up eventually led him to success.

2. She showed incredible resilience by not giving up on her dreams, even when the odds were against her.

3. The team's commitment to not giving up helped them turn the game around and secure a victory in the final minutes.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some synonyms for 'not giving up'?

Some common synonyms include 'persevering,' 'persistent,' 'determined,' and 'tenacious.' Each of these words emphasizes a slightly different aspect of the attitude or action of not giving up, but all convey a strong sense of commitment and resilience.

Can 'steadfast' be considered a synonym for 'not giving up'?

Yes, 'steadfast' can be considered a synonym for 'not giving up.' It suggests a firm, unwavering commitment to a cause, goal, or effort, indicating that one remains dedicated despite challenges or obstacles.

Is there a difference between 'resolute' and 'obstinate' when referring to not giving up?

Yes, there is a subtle difference. 'Resolute' implies a positive quality of being determined and focused on achieving a specific goal, often in the face of difficulties. 'Obstinate,' on the other hand, can have a negative connotation, suggesting stubbornness or an unreasonable persistence in a course of action despite opposition or evidence to the contrary.

How does 'unyielding' compare to 'persistent' in the context of not giving up?

Both 'unyielding' and 'persistent' describe a refusal to give up, but they highlight different aspects of this determination. 'Unyielding' emphasizes a strong, immovable stance, often suggesting that one will not be bent or forced away from their position or goal. 'Persistent' focuses more on the ongoing effort and the act of continuing steadfastly despite difficulties or delays.