What is synonyms for wedding anniversary

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wedding anniversary

/wedɪŋ ˌænɪˈvɜːrsəri/

A celebration marking the number of years since a couple's marriage ceremony.

Synonyms of wedding anniversary


Strongest matches:

- wedding anniversary

- marriage anniversary

- anniversary

Weak matches:

- nuptial commemoration

- matrimony anniversary

- union celebration


divorce, separation, breakup

Usage examples:

1. For their wedding anniversary, Mark surprised Julia with a romantic getaway to the place where they had honeymooned.

2. As their 50th wedding anniversary approached, the couple's children began planning a grand celebration.

3. On their first wedding anniversary, they decided to keep it simple by cooking a special dinner together.

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Frequently asked questions

What is another common term used for celebrating a wedding anniversary?

'Marriage anniversary' is another common term used interchangeably with 'wedding anniversary' to celebrate the annual recurrence of a couple's wedding day.

Is there a more informal synonym for wedding anniversary that people use?

Yes, some couples might refer to their wedding anniversary informally as their 'anniversary date' or simply 'anniversary' when the context is clear that they are referring to their marriage.

Are there specific terms for significant wedding anniversaries?

Yes, significant wedding anniversaries often have specific names, such as 'Silver Anniversary' for the 25th year, 'Golden Anniversary' for the 50th year, and 'Diamond Anniversary' for the 60th year.

Can the term 'nuptial anniversary' be used interchangeably with wedding anniversary?

While 'nuptial anniversary' is not as commonly used, it is technically correct and can be understood as another way to refer to a wedding anniversary. The term 'nuptial' relates to weddings, making it an appropriate synonym.