What is synonyms for rest in peace

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rest in peace

/rest ɪn piːs/

A phrase commonly used to express the hope that someone's soul has found peace after death.

Synonyms of rest in peace


Strongest matches:

- sleep peacefully

- eternal rest

- rest eternally

- peaceful repose

- everlasting peace

Weak matches:

- sleep well

- rest forever

- in peaceful sleep

- peaceful rest

- in eternal sleep

- last rest


Strongest matches:

- pass away

- depart

- expire

Weak matches:

- succumb

- perish


come back from the dead, come back to life, come to life

Usage examples:

1. We gathered at the memorial service to honor his memory and wish him to rest in peace.

2. She left flowers at the gravesite with a heartfelt note saying, Rest in peace, dear friend.

3. The community came together to mourn the loss and pray that the departed souls may rest in peace.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common synonyms for 'rest in peace'?

Some widely used synonyms for 'rest in peace' include 'sleep in peace,' 'repose in peace,' 'lie in peace,' and 'eternal rest.' Each of these expressions conveys a similar sentiment of wishing peace and tranquility upon someone who has passed away.

Is it appropriate to use 'sleep in peace' in formal condolence messages?

Yes, 'sleep in peace' is considered appropriate for formal condolence messages. It is a respectful and gentle way of expressing sympathy and wishing peace for the departed. However, the context and the relationship with the bereaved or the deceased should guide the choice of words.

Can 'eternal rest' be used interchangeably with 'rest in peace'?

Yes, 'eternal rest' can be used interchangeably with 'rest in peace.' Both phrases wish for the deceased to find peace and tranquility in the afterlife. 'eternal rest' emphasizes the permanence of this peace, aligning closely with religious beliefs about the afterlife.

Are there any less common synonyms for 'rest in peace' that can be used to convey a more personal message?

Less common synonyms that convey a personal touch include 'find tranquility beyond,' 'embrace eternal slumber,' or 'journey peacefully to the beyond.' These variations offer a more unique or poetic way to express condolences and may be appreciated for their thoughtfulness, especially if they align with the personality or beliefs of the deceased or their loved ones.