As vs Since
What’s the difference between them?

As is a conjunction used to indicate the manner or time in which something happens or is done.
1. As the sun set, I knew it was time to go home.
2. As the teacher spoke, I wrote notes in my book.
3. As always, she was punctual and arrived on time.
Since is a conjunction meaning 'from a point in the past until now.'
1. Since I started my new job, I have been really happy.
2. Since we moved to this new house, I feel more relaxed.
3. Since she got a promotion, she has been working extra hard.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
1. Equally
2. Equivalently
3. Likewise
4. Simultaneously
5. In the same manner/way
1. Disassemble
2. Differ
3. Diverge
4. Avoid
5. Departure
1. Because
2. Due to
3. Owing to
4. On account of
5. As a result of
1. Precede
2. Before
3. Antecede
4. Preceding
5. Anticipate
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "As", "Since".

1. Use the mnemonic phrase 'As' is the present, while 'Since' is the past to help differentiate between the two words.
2. Try to visualize a timeline when using since.
3. As and since are both used to link two parts of a sentence, so pay attention to the other words in the sentence to determine which one should be used.
4. Remember that as is generally used to describe a current state or situation; for example, 'He is as tall as his father.'
5. Since is often used when talking about a past event; for example, 'He has been working here since last year.'
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Frequently asked questions
When should 'as' be used?
As should be used when comparing two things, introducing an example, introducing a reason for something, or to show the way something is done. For example, 'I wear my glasses as they help me see better' or 'It was raining heavily, as I suspected.'
When is the appropriate context for using 'since'?
Since is used to refer to a point in the past or a period of time that continues up to the present. For example, 'I have been living in this city since I was born' or 'We have been married since last year.'
Do 'as' and 'since' share the same pronunciation?
No, as and since have different pronunciations. As is pronounced /əz/ and since is pronounced /sɪns/.
What are some common mistakes people make when using these words?
People often confuse as and since, particularly when introducing a reason. For example, 'I wear my glasses since they help me see better' should be 'I wear my glasses as they help me see better.' Additionally, since is often incorrectly used when referring to a specific point in time, such as 'I have been living in this city since three years' instead of 'I have been living in this city for three years.'
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. _____ she was tired, she decided to finish her homework.
2. I havent visited my hometown _____ 2010.
3. He took an umbrella _____ it was raining outside.
4. _____ we are here, lets make the most of our time.
5. They have been best friends _____ they were children.
6. _____ the manager was on leave, she handled the teams responsibilities.
1. As she was tired, she decided to finish her homework.
Explanation: As is used here to indicate the reason or manner in which something was done, which is why she decided to finish her homework.
2. I havent visited my hometown since 2010.
Explanation: Since indicates the starting point of a period that continues to the present, which means the speaker has not visited their hometown from 2010 up to now.
3. He took an umbrella as it was raining outside.
Explanation: As is used to indicate the reason he took an umbrella, which is the fact that it was raining.
4. Since we are here, lets make the most of our time.
Explanation: In this context, since can be used to mean because, implying that given the fact that they are there, they should make the most of it.
5. They have been best friends since they were children.
Explanation: Since is used to indicate the starting point of their friendship, which is their childhood.
6. As the manager was on leave, she handled the teams responsibilities.
Explanation: As provides the reason or circumstance for why she handled the teams responsibilities. The reason was that the manager was on leave.
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