From vs Since
What’s the difference between them?

from a point of time'; doesn't imply that the action is still on-going.
1. She has been working at the company from 2015 to 2020.
2. The store is open every day from 9 AM to 6 PM.
3. The concert will run from 7 PM to 10 PM, featuring various performances.
since means 'from a point in the past until now.'
1. Since I have been working here, I've learnt a lot.
2. Since you've been gone, I've been feeling lonely.
3. Since the new regulations were introduced, there have been many changes.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
1. Beginning
2. Commencement
3. Starting point
4. Initial
5. Onset
1. Until
2. To
3. Up to
4. Through
5. Till
1. Given that
2. Bearing in mind
3. In view of
4. As
5. Given the fact that
1. Precede
2. Before
3. Earlier
4. Antecedent
5. Prior to
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "From", "Since".

1. 'Since' refers to a specific starting point in time and continues to the present (or another specified point).
2. 'From' can refer to a starting point but does not imply continuation to the present.
3. 'Since' is used with a specific point in time (e.g., since Monday, since January, since 2005).
4. 'From' is often used to introduce a range or span of time (e.g., from January to March, from morning till evening).
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Frequently asked questions
In what situations should the first word be used?
'From' is used to indicate a starting point in time or space. It is often used to describe the origin or source of something without implying that the action is still ongoing. For example, 'I will be away from Monday to Wednesday.'
When is the appropriate context for using the second word?
'Since' is used to indicate a starting point in the past that continues up to the present moment. It implies an ongoing action or situation that began in the past and is still relevant. For instance, 'I have lived here since 2010.'
Do the two words share the same pronunciation?
No, they are typically pronounced as /frʌm/ and /sɪns/, respectively.
What are some common mistakes people make when using these words?
One common mistake is using 'from' when describing a situation that started in the past and is still ongoing, where 'since' should be used instead. Conversely, using 'since' to describe a point in time without an ongoing connection to the present can lead to confusion. It's important to choose the appropriate word based on the intended temporal relationship.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. ____ our last meeting, Ive been working hard to finish the project.
2. ____ then, things have been quiet around the office.
3. ____ the beginning of the year, Ive had to adjust to many changes.
4. ____ my parents moved here, Ive been able to visit them more often.
5. ____ Ive been here, Ive noticed many improvements.
6. ____ this morning, Ive been busy getting ready for the day.
1. Since - Using the word since indicates that a period of time has passed since the last meeting.
2. Since - This word is used to indicate that the period of time following the last meeting has been quiet.
3. From - From is used to denote the start of a period of time, in this case the start of the year.
4. Since - The word since indicates that a period of time has passed since the parents moved.
5. Since - This word is used to indicate that the period of time following the speakers arrival has seen improvements.
6. From - From is used to denote the start of a period of time, in this case the start of the morning.
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