What is another word for afraid

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Feeling fear or anxiety; frightened.

Antonyms of afraid


Strongest matches:

- fearless

- brave

- courageous

- bold

- unafraid

- confident

Weak matches:

- daring

- adventurous

- undaunted

- unperturbed

- secure

- unconcerned


frightened, scared, terrified, alarmed, anxious, apprehensive, nervous, fearful, petrified, panic-stricken, horrified, worried, intimidated, daunted, dismayed, timid, trepidatious

Usage examples:

1. When she heard the strange noise outside, she was afraid to look out the window.

2. The little boy was afraid of the dark, so he always slept with a nightlight.

3. He was afraid that if he spoke up, no one would listen to him.

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Frequently asked questions

What is an antonym for 'afraid'?

An antonym for 'afraid' is 'brave' or 'fearless.' These words describe someone who does not feel fear or is not easily intimidated by challenges.

Can 'confident' be considered an antonym of 'afraid'?

Yes, 'confident' can be considered an antonym of 'afraid' in certain contexts. While 'brave' directly opposes the presence of fear, 'confident' suggests a strong belief in one's own abilities, which can negate the feeling of fear.

Is 'calm' an antonym of 'afraid'?

'Calm' can be considered an indirect antonym of 'afraid.' While it mainly describes a state of tranquility and lack of agitation, it opposes the anxiety and nervousness often associated with fear. However, it's more of a state of being rather than a direct counter to fear like 'brave' or 'fearless.'

How do antonyms like 'courageous' help in understanding 'afraid'?

Antonyms like 'courageous' provide a clearer understanding of 'afraid' by highlighting its opposite qualities. By knowing that 'courageous' signifies the presence of courage and the ability to face fear, it emphasizes that 'afraid' involves a lack of courage or a feeling of fear. This contrast helps in grasping the essence of what it means to be afraid by understanding what it is not.