What is synonyms for because of

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because of

/bɪˈkɔz ʌv/

Used to introduce a word or phrase that explains the reason or cause for something.

Synonyms of because of


As in cause or reason

Strongest matches:

- due to

- owing to

- as a result of

- on account of

Weak matches:

- by reason of

- in consequence of

- on the grounds of

- thanks to


As in attribution

Strongest matches:

- attributed to

- credited to

Weak matches:

- associated with

- linked to


despite, notwithstanding, regardless of

Usage examples:

1. We had to cancel our outdoor picnic because of the unexpected rainstorm that hit the city.

2. She received the promotion because of her hard work and dedication to the company over the years.

3. The football match was postponed because of the poor condition of the field after the heavy snowfall.

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Frequently asked questions

What is another way to say 'because of' in a formal document?

In formal writing, you might opt for 'due to' or 'owing to' as alternatives to 'because of.' These phrases can elevate the tone of your document and are widely accepted in formal contexts.

Can 'thanks to' be used interchangeably with 'because of'?

Yes, 'thanks to' can be used as a synonym for 'because of,' particularly when the outcome is positive or when you wish to express gratitude or acknowledge a contribution. However, it's important to consider the tone and context, as 'thanks to' has a more appreciative connotation.

Is there a single-word substitute for 'because of' that I can use in my writing?

While there isn't a direct single-word substitute that carries the exact same meaning, 'due' can sometimes serve as a shorter alternative, especially in contexts where the meaning is clear from the surrounding text.

How can I replace 'because of' in a negative context without altering the meaning?

In negative contexts, 'as a result of' or 'on account of' can serve as suitable replacements for 'because of' without changing the meaning of your sentence. These alternatives can help vary your language or adjust the tone to better fit the context of your writing.