What is another word for courage

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The ability to confront fear, pain, danger, uncertainty, or intimidation.

Antonyms of courage


Strongest matches:

- cowardice

- fear

- timidity

Weak matches:

- apprehension

- faintheartedness

- doubt


Strongest matches:

- cowardly

- fearful

- timid

Weak matches:

- hesitant

- apprehensive

- doubtful


bravery, valor, daring, nerve, boldness, fearlessness, heroism, gallantry, fortitude, audacity, guts, spunk, tenacity, pluck, mettle, intrepidity, dauntlessness, resolution, steadfastness

Usage examples:

1. He showed great courage by standing up for what he believed in, despite the opposition.

2. It takes courage to face your fears and step out of your comfort zone.

3. The firefighter's courage was evident as she ran into the burning building to save lives.

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Frequently asked questions

What is the most direct antonym of courage?

The most direct antonym of courage is 'cowardice.' While courage refers to the ability to face fear, pain, risk/danger, uncertainty, or intimidation, cowardice is the lack of bravery to do so.

Can 'fear' be considered an antonym of courage, and if so, in what context?

Yes, 'fear' can be considered an antonym of courage, especially in contexts where it highlights an overwhelming emotional state that prevents an individual from taking action. While courage does not imply the absence of fear but rather the determination to act in spite of it, fear as an antonym emphasizes being controlled or hindered by one's apprehensions.

Is 'timidity' an antonym for courage, and how does it differ from cowardice?

Yes, 'timidity' is an antonym for courage. It refers to a lack of confidence or a disposition towards being easily frightened or hesitant. While both timidity and cowardice suggest a lack of courage, timidity is more about a natural or habitual inclination towards fearfulness and caution, often without facing a specific threat, whereas cowardice specifically points to a failure to confront fear or danger when challenged.

Are there any synonyms for the antonyms of courage, and how might they be used differently?

Yes, there are synonyms for the antonyms of courage. For example, 'fearfulness' and 'dread' are synonyms for 'fear,' and 'hesitation' can be a synonym for 'timidity.' These synonyms can vary slightly in their connotations. 'Fearfulness' might imply a more general disposition towards being afraid, while 'dread' suggests an intense fear or terror about something specific. 'Hesitation' implies a pause or doubt in action or decision, often due to uncertainty or fear, which might not carry the same degree of fearfulness implied by timidity. These nuances can affect how they are used to describe the absence of courage in different contexts.