What is synonyms for most common

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most common

/moʊst ˈkɒmən/

Frequently encountered or seen; prevalent.

Synonyms of most common


Strongest matches:

- majority

- plurality

Weak matches:

- bulk

- preponderance


Strongest matches:

- prevalent

- widespread

Weak matches:

- usual

- standard


Strongest matches:

- typically

- normally

Weak matches:

- generally

- ordinarily


least, rarest

Usage examples:

1. The most common reason for the software failure was attributed to a coding error that had been overlooked during the initial development phase.

2. Among the bird species in the region, the robin is the most common, easily spotted due to its distinctive red breast.

3. In surveys about favorite ice cream flavors, vanilla consistently ranks as the most common choice among people of all ages.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a simpler synonym for 'most common' that I can use in everyday conversation?

A simpler synonym for 'most common' that you can use in everyday conversation is 'usual.' It conveys a similar meaning, indicating something that occurs or is encountered typically or habitually.

Is there a more formal synonym for 'most common' suitable for academic or professional writing?

Yes, 'prevalent' is a more formal synonym for 'most common.' It is suitable for academic or professional contexts, suggesting widespread occurrence or acceptance.

Can I use 'widespread' as a synonym for 'most common,' and in what context does it best fit?

Yes, 'widespread' can be used as a synonym for 'most common,' especially when referring to something that is spread out or found over a large area or among many people. It best fits contexts where the emphasis is on the geographic or demographic distribution of something.

What is a synonym for 'most common' that specifically suggests something is the most typical example?

'Standard' is a synonym for 'most common' that suggests something is considered a norm or a benchmark. It is particularly useful when you want to imply that something serves as a typical or expected example.