What is another word for deep

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Extending far down from the top or surface.

Antonyms of deep


Strongest matches:

- shallow

- suoerficial

Weak matches:

- slight

- light


Strongest matches:

- superficially

Weak matches:

- slightly

- lightly


Strongest matches:

- surface

Weak matches:

- periphery

- edge


profound, intense, bottomless, extensive, abysmal, thorough, penetrating, acute, dense, immersive, comprehensive, vast, profound, immeasurable, dark, rich, serious, complex

Usage examples:

1. The diver explored the deep blue sea, marveling at the mysterious creatures below the surface.

2. She had a deep understanding of quantum physics, which allowed her to excel in her advanced studies.

3. They found a peaceful spot by the river and decided to set up camp in the deep shade of the ancient trees.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common antonyms for 'deep'?

Antonyms for 'deep' include 'shallow,' 'superficial,' 'surface-level,' and 'slight.' These terms generally refer to something that lacks depth, either physically (like a shallow pool) or metaphorically (like a superficial conversation).

Can 'narrow' be considered an antonym of 'deep'?

No, 'narrow' is not typically considered an antonym of 'deep.' While both words describe dimensions, 'narrow' contrasts with 'wide' and refers to the breadth of something, not its depth. However, in specific contexts, like discussing the dimensions of a space or object, 'narrow' might be used in opposition to 'deep' to emphasize the limited volume or capacity.

Is 'light' an antonym of 'deep' when discussing colors?

Yes, in the context of colors, 'light' can be considered an antonym of 'deep.' When referring to colors, 'deep' describes intense, saturated, or rich tones, whereas 'light' colors are pale or less saturated. For example, a deep blue would be a rich, dark shade, while a light blue would be closer to sky blue or pastel.

How do I choose the correct antonym of 'deep' for my sentence?

The choice of antonym depends on the context of your sentence. For physical depth, 'shallow' is often most appropriate. For discussions about intellectual or emotional depth, 'superficial' or 'surface-level' might be better choices. Consider what aspect of 'deep' you're opposing (physical depth, intensity, seriousness, etc.) and select the antonym that best conveys the opposite meaning in that context.