What is another word for ripe

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Fully developed and ready to eat or use.

Antonyms of ripe


Strongest matches:

- unripe

- green

- immature

Weak matches:

- raw

- hard

- sour


mature, developed, ready, mellow, seasoned, matured, full-grown, advanced, soft, sweetened, aged, juicy

Usage examples:

1. The peaches on the tree were finally ripe, bursting with juice and ready to be picked for a delicious summer pie.

2. The time was ripe for negotiation, as both parties had shown a willingness to compromise.

3. After years of research and development, their technology was ripe for commercialization.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a common antonym for 'ripe' when referring to fruits or vegetables?

A common antonym for 'ripe' in the context of fruits or vegetables is 'unripe' or 'green.' This indicates that the fruit or vegetable is not yet mature or ready for consumption.

Can 'overripe' be considered an antonym of 'ripe'?

Yes, 'overripe' can be considered an antonym of 'ripe' in certain contexts. While 'ripe' suggests a fruit or vegetable is at its peak condition for consumption, 'overripe' indicates it has passed this peak stage and may be decaying or less desirable.

What antonym would you use for 'ripe' in a metaphorical sense, such as in describing an idea or time?

In a metaphorical sense, 'premature' is a fitting antonym for 'ripe.' For example, if an idea is not fully developed or if a time is not right for a certain action, the term 'premature' effectively conveys the opposite of being ripe or ready.

Is there an antonym for 'ripe' that signifies something is too early or young, especially in non-food contexts?

'Immature' is an antonym of 'ripe' that can be applied to broader contexts beyond food, such as describing a person's behavior or an underdeveloped idea. It suggests a lack of maturity, readiness, or development.