What is synonyms for change for the better

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change for the better

/ˌtʃeɪndʒ fər ðə ˈbɛtər/

An improvement or an enhancement in condition or quality.

Synonyms of change for the better


As in improve

Strongest matches:

- enhance

- ameliorate

- upgrade

- improve

Weak matches:

- refine

- better

- advance


As in reform

Strongest matches:

- overhaul

- rectify

- correct

Weak matches:

- amend

- modify

- adjust


deteriorate, worsen, decline, degenerate, regress

Usage examples:

1. After implementing the new policies, the company saw a significant change for the better in employee satisfaction.

2. She decided to adopt healthier habits, which led to a noticeable change for the better in her overall well-being.

3. Moving to a new city was a big step, but it turned out to be a change for the better for the entire family.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a commonly used synonym for 'change for the better'?

A frequently used synonym for 'change for the better' is 'improve.' It captures the essence of positive change or enhancement in quality, value, or condition.

Can 'ameliorate' be considered a synonym for 'change for the better,' and how is it used?

Yes, 'ameliorate' is a synonym for 'change for the better.' It is often used in contexts where there is a reduction of negative aspects or an enhancement of positive ones, particularly in situations involving social, environmental, or health issues. For example, 'Efforts to ameliorate the living conditions in the slum areas are underway.'

Is there a formal term that serves as a synonym for 'change for the better'?

'Enhance' is a more formal term that can be used as a synonym for 'change for the better.' It implies an improvement in quality, value, or strength of something. For instance, 'The project aims to enhance the efficiency of the current system.'

What synonym for 'change for the better' is best used in a personal development context?

In the context of personal development, 'self-improvement' is a synonym that specifically refers to actions or initiatives taken by an individual to improve themselves in areas such as knowledge, character, or physical well-being. It emphasizes the aspect of personal growth and positive change.