What is another word for scared

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Feeling fear or apprehension.

Antonyms of scared


Strongest matches:

- fearless

- brave

- courageous

- confident

Weak matches:

- calm

- unafraid

- composed

- reassured


Strongest matches:

- reassure

- soothe

- comfort

Weak matches:

- embolden

- encourage

- hearten


frightened, afraid, terrified, alarmed, petrified, horrified, panic-stricken, spooked, unnerved, apprehensive

Usage examples:

1. When I heard the strange noise in the middle of the night, I was scared.

2. The movie was so intense that even the bravest viewers were scared.

3. My little sister is scared of the dark, so she sleeps with a night light.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a direct antonym of 'scared'?

A direct antonym of 'scared' is 'brave' or 'fearless.' These words describe someone who is not afraid or is able to face fear without being overcome by it.

Can 'confident' be considered an antonym of 'scared'?

Yes, 'confident' can be considered an antonym of 'scared' in certain contexts. While 'scared' indicates fear or apprehension, 'confident' suggests self-assurance and a lack of fear, especially in one's abilities or future outcomes.

Is 'calm' an appropriate antonym for 'scared'?

'Calm' can serve as an antonym for 'scared' when focusing on the emotional state. If someone is 'scared,' they are in a state of fear or anxiety, whereas being 'calm' implies a peaceful, serene state without agitation, which can include the absence of fear.

Are there any antonyms for 'scared' that imply action rather than a state of being?

Yes, 'confront' or 'challenge' can be considered action-oriented antonyms of 'scared.' While 'scared' denotes a passive state of fear, to 'confront' or 'challenge' suggests taking active steps in opposition to fear, thereby facing whatever is causing the fear directly.