What is synonyms for biodiversity

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The variety of life in the world or in a particular habitat or ecosystem.

Synonyms of biodiversity


Strongest matches:

- biological diversity

- ecosystem diversity

- species diversity

- genetic diversity

Weak matches:

- ecosystem variability

- biological richness

- flora and fauna variety

- habitat diversity


monoculture, uniformity, homogeneity, sameness

Usage examples:

1. Biodiversity enriches ecosystems, contributing to the stability and resilience of our natural world.

2. Conserving biodiversity is crucial for ensuring sustainable resources for future generations.

3. Human activities have greatly impacted biodiversity, calling for urgent measures to protect endangered species.

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Frequently asked questions

What is another common term used interchangeably with biodiversity?

Biological diversity is a term frequently used as a synonym for biodiversity. It encompasses the variety of life forms within a specific environment or on the planet as a whole.

Is there a more technical term that refers to the concept of biodiversity?

Yes, 'biotic diversity' is a more scientific term that refers to the variety and variability of life forms within an ecosystem, region, or on the planet. This term emphasizes the biological aspects of diversity.

Can the term 'ecological diversity' be used as a synonym for biodiversity?

While closely related, ecological diversity specifically refers to the variety of ecosystems within a geographical location. It's a component of biodiversity but focuses more on the diversity of habitats, rather than the species or genetic variation itself.

Is 'genetic diversity' a synonym for biodiversity, and how are they related?

Genetic diversity is a subset of biodiversity. It refers to the total number of genetic characteristics in the genetic makeup of a species. While not a synonym for biodiversity itself, it is an essential component of it, contributing to the variation within and between populations of organisms.