Días de la Semana: Embracing the Weekdays in Spanish

Ellison Clapton9 min
Created: Aug 29, 2023Last updated: Sep 6, 2024
Weekdays in Spanish

The rhythm of a week transcends borders, yet its names often dance to a region’s unique tune. Spanish-language weekdays, the ‘días de la semana,’ are no exception. As an integral part of communication, getting familiar with them can significantly boost your language proficiency. Our guide will navigate through the days of the week in Spanish, including pronunciation and sentence examples. Get ready to expand your lexicon and stride confidently into real-world conversations.

Days of the Week in Spanish

Navigating the names of days in a language you learn and speak is essential for daily communication, from arranging appointments to discussing events. Below, we have laid out the list of days of the week in Spanish:

  • Lunes [ˈlunes]: Monday.
  • Martes [ˈmaɾtes]: Tuesday.
  • Miércoles [ˈmjɛɾkoles]: Wednesday.
  • Jueves [ˈxweβes]: Thursday.
  • Viernes [ˈbjɛɾnes]: Friday.
  • Sábado [ˈsaβaðo]: Saturday.
  • Domingo [doˈmĩnɡo]: Sunday.

Each day has a distinctive pronunciation that might require a bit of practice. However, you’ll soon find yourself effortlessly slipping these terms into conversations, setting a solid foundation for further language exploration.

Days of the Week in Spanish

Using Weekdays in Spanish: Real-World Examples

Mastering the days of the week is more than rote learning. It’s about context. Here, we present ten practical sentence examples that show how ‘días de la semana’ seamlessly weaves into dialogue:

  • A pesar de que es lunes, la ciudad parece vibrante y llena de energía. (Despite it being Monday, the city seems vibrant and full of energy.)
  • El martes próximo, la embajada organizará un seminario sobre relaciones bilaterales. (Next Tuesday, the embassy will organize a seminar on bilateral relations.)
  • Miércoles es el aniversario de la independencia; las celebraciones se extenderán por toda la semana. (Wednesday is the independence anniversary; celebrations will span the entire week.)
  • Cada jueves, la biblioteca local acoge un club de lectura que explora literatura contemporánea. (Every Thursday, the local library hosts a reading club exploring contemporary literature.)
  • Este viernes, los artistas callejeros transformarán las plazas en espacios de teatro en vivo. (This Friday, street artists will transform the squares into live theater spaces.)
  • El sábado que viene se llevará a cabo la inauguración de la nueva galería de arte moderno. (The upcoming Saturday will witness the inauguration of the new modern art gallery.)
  • El domingo, la orquesta municipal ofrecerá un concierto gratuito al aire libre. (On Sunday, the municipal orchestra will offer a free outdoor concert.)
  • Los lunes y miércoles se ofrecen clases de cocina autóctona en el centro comunitario. (On Mondays and Wednesdays, indigenous cooking classes are offered at the community centre.)
  • El jueves pasado, el alcalde anunció una serie de iniciativas ecológicas para la ciudad. (Last Thursday, the mayor announced a series of eco-friendly initiatives for the city.)
  • El sábado anterior, un festival culinario sorprendió a los locales con delicias de todo el mundo. (The previous Saturday, a culinary festival delighted locals with delicacies from around the world.)

Incorporating these sentences into your speech enriches your vocabulary and solidifies your understanding. Soon, discussing plans, schedules, and events will become easier for you.

Spanish Days of the Week in Context: 5 Essential Tips

Weaving Spanish weekdays into the conversation is not just about remembering the words. It’s also about understanding the nuances inherent to the language’s structure and cultural conventions. Here are five essential tips to help guide your integration of the days of the week in Spanish into your everyday dialogue.

Skip the ‘on’

In English, we often use the word ‘on’ when referring to specific days, such as ‘on Monday.’ In Spanish, this preposition is absent. So, ‘on Monday’ becomes simply ‘el lunes.’ For instance, ‘I have a meeting on Monday’ translates to ‘Tengo una reunión el lunes’. This seemingly minor detail is crucial, as overusing unnecessary prepositions can quickly make your Spanish sound unnatural.

Start with Monday

Unlike some cultures where Sunday kicks off the week, in Spanish-speaking countries, Monday, or ‘lunes,’ is considered the first day. Calendars typically start with Monday on the left-most column. Hence, when listing days or planning your week, begin with ‘lunes.’ It’s a subtle point, but adhering to such norms ensures you align with the cultural rhythm of Spanish-speaking locales, fostering smoother interactions.

Capital Letters Not Required

In English, the days of the week always start with capital letters. However, in Spanish, this isn’t the case. Days of the week are typically written in lowercase unless they begin a sentence. For instance, ‘Monday and Tuesday are busy days’ translates to ‘lunes y martes son días ocupados’. By adhering to this rule, your written Spanish appears more authentic and grammatically correct, aligning with native conventions.

Days Are Masculine

Every noun in Spanish has a gender: masculine or feminine. All days of the week fall under the masculine category. Therefore, when using articles with days, use ‘el’ for singular (e.g., el lunes) and ‘los’ for plural (e.g., los lunes).

Use ser

When describing the inherent characteristics of a day, Spanish speakers typically use the verb ‘ser’ instead of ‘estar.’ For example, ‘Tuesday is long’ becomes ‘El martes es largo.’ This use underscores the idea that the described characteristic is a permanent or general trait of the day rather than a temporary condition. By mastering this distinction, your sentences will reflect a deeper understanding of Spanish grammar nuances.

Time and Days in Spanish: Going Beyond the Basics

In Spanish, expressing time and days involves specific rules and nuances that differ from English. Using prepositions like ‘since’ or ‘before’ effectively can make your conversations clearer and more accurate. Below are some helpful guidelines.

Using ‘every,’ ‘until,’ and ‘since’ in Spanish

In many sentences, the typical structure involves a temporal expression followed by ‘el’ or ‘los’ and the day of the week. Thus, expressions like ‘todos’ (every), ‘hasta’ (until), and ‘desde’ (since) take the format: ‘expression’ + ‘el/los’ + ‘day of the week.’ For instance:

Ellos juegan al fútbol todos los martes. (Every Tuesday, they play football.)

Ella trabaja aquí hasta el jueves. (She works here until Thursday.)

Lo conozco desde el miércoles. (I’ve known him since Wednesday.)

Expressing ‘Before’ and ‘After’ in Spanish

To convey the idea of ‘before’ or ‘after’ in relation to week names in Spanish, you need to employ the terms ‘antes’ (before) and ‘después’ (after). They are typically followed by the preposition ‘de.’ For instance:

Me gustaría verte antes del domingo. (I’d like to meet you before Sunday.)

Vamos a vernos después del domingo. (Let’s catch up after Sunday.)

Indicating ‘Next’ and ‘Last’ in Spanish

To denote ‘next,’ you have two options: ‘próximo’ and the more colloquial ‘que viene.’ When referencing a Spanish day of the week, ‘próximo’ is placed between the article ‘el’ and the day, whereas ‘que viene’ is postfixed to the day.

Tengo planes de ver una película el próximo martes. (I plan to watch a film next Tuesday.)

Tengo planes de ver una película el martes que viene. (I plan to watch a film next Tuesday.)

The term ‘past’ or ‘last’ is expressed as ‘pasado,’ and it typically follows the day, aligning with traditional adjective placement in Spanish.

Llovió el domingo pasado. (It poured last Sunday.)


Other Useful Expressions Related to Time in Spanish

While knowing Spanish days of the week is fundamental, you might also want to learn a few additional expressions related to the time that can be helpful in everyday conversations. Here are some useful words and phrases:

  • Hoy: Today.

Hoy tengo una junta muy importante en el trabajo. (Today, I have an important meeting at work.)

  • Ayer: Yesterday.

Ayer tenía tantas cosas por hacer que me olvidé de llamarte. (Yesterday I had so many things to do that I forgot to call you.)

  • Mañana: Tomorrow.

El informe está casi terminado, lo enviaré mañana. (The report is almost finished, I will send it tomorrow.)

  • Pasado mañana: The day after tomorrow.

Mi vuelo sale pasado mañana en la tarde. (My flight leaves the day after tomorrow in the afternoon.)

  • La semana pasada: Last week.

La semana pasada, fuimos a un concierto increíble. (Last week we went to an incredible concert).

  • Esta noche: Tonight.

¿Nos reuniremos para cenar esta noche? (Shall we meet for dinner tonight?)

  • Anteanoche: The night before last.

Ya terminé el libro que comencé anteanoche. (I finished the book that I started the night before last.) 

  • Próximo/a: Next.

La próxima semana tengo una cita con el dentista. (Next week, I have an appointment with the dentist.)

  • En unos días: In a few days.

Estaré visitando Madrid en unos días. (I’ll be visiting Madrid in a few days.)

  • Dentro de poco: Shortly/Soon.

Comenzaremos la reunión dentro de poco. (We will start the meeting shortly.) 

  • El fin de semana: The weekend.

Durante el fin de semana visitaremos a la abuela en su casa del campo. (We will visit grandmother at her country house on the weekend.) 

  • Más tarde: Later.

Tengo que hacer algunos recados, pero te llamaré más tarde. (I have to run some errands, but I’ll call you later.)

  • Cada día/semana/mes/año: Every day/week/month/year.

Voy a la biblioteca cada semana para estudiar en silencio. (I go to the library every week to study quietly).

  • Hace un rato: A while ago.

Te llamaron hace un rato cuando estabas fuera. (They called for you awhile ago when you were out.) 

  • Desde entonces: Since then.

Ella comenzó a trabajar allí y desde entonces se siente mucho más feliz. (She started working there and since then she’s been much happier).

These expressions are often used along with weekdays in Spanish to discuss activities related to the past, present, and future. Incorporating them into your vocabulary can simplify conversing about time-related topics.

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Knowing how to say weekdays in Spanish is one of the first steps toward fluency. Though similar in concept to English, Spanish weekdays come with unique linguistic peculiarities. With regular practice using these learned words in context, you’ll find that your speaking skills will progress significantly.


Is there any historical reason behind the naming of the weekdays in Spanish?

The weekday names in Spanish, much like in English, have origins in Latin and are connected to celestial bodies and gods.

Are there colloquial terms or abbreviations for weekdays in Spanish?

In formal settings, Spanish-speaking countries do not typically use abbreviations or colloquial terms for weekdays. Each day is usually referred to by its full name. However, in informal written communication, some countries might use abbreviations such as ‘mie’ for ‘Miércoles’ or ‘jue’ for ‘Jueves.’

Do certain days carry cultural or religious significance in Spanish-speaking countries?

Yes, certain days carry cultural or religious importance in Spanish-speaking countries. For instance, domingo (Sunday) is traditionally viewed as a day of rest and family gatherings following the Christian tradition. National holidays, festivals, or commemorations fall on specific weekdays across different countries.

Are there other resources for learning Spanish vocabulary?

Certainly, numerous resources are available to learn days of the week in Spanish and other words. Some popular ones include the Collins Spanish Dictionary and WordReference.com. These comprehensive tools help you understand the meaning of words along with their usage. Also, the Promova app contains extensive vocabulary lists for Spanish learners, making it a convenient and fun way to build your linguistic repertoire.


Jaidyn Sep 7th, 2023
As a beginner in Spanish, I was struggling with remembering the weekdays. This article simplifies it and provides great examples. ¡Fantástico!