Analog vs Analogue
What’s the difference between them?

Relating to or using signals or information represented by a continuously variable physical quantity such as spatial position, voltage, etc.
1. The analog clock was ticking in the corner of the room.
2. The analog signal used to transmit television broadcasts has been replaced by digital technology.
3. I prefer analog recordings to digital recordings because they tend to have a warmer sound.
British English spelling of 'analog.'
1. The analogue clock was difficult to read in the dimly lit room.
2. Analogue radios are quickly becoming obsolete in today's digital world.
3. The analogue phone line was disconnected due to its lack of modern features.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
1. Continuous
2. Non-digital
3. Conventional
4. Traditional
1. Digital
2. Digitalized
3. Non-linear
1. Continuous
2. Non-digital
3. Conventional
4. Traditional
1. Digital
2. Digitalized
3. Non-linear
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Analog", "Analogue".

1. Remember that in American English the spelling is 'analog,' while in British English it is 'analogue.'
2. Spellcheck your work and look for the red line beneath the word to make sure you are using the correct spelling.
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Frequently asked questions
In what situations should the first word be used?
The term 'analog' is used to describe signals or information that is represented by a physical quantity such as voltage, current, or spatial position. It is typically used in the context of electronics and computing to refer to a continuous form of data representation.
When is the appropriate context for using the second word?
The word 'analogue' is the British English spelling of 'analog.' It is used in the same context as the American English spelling of the word.
Do the two words share the same pronunciation?
Yes, the two words share the same pronunciation.
What are some common mistakes people make when using these words?
A common mistake people make when using these words is confusing 'analog' and 'analogue.' Both words are widely accepted as referring to the same concept, but the spelling differs in American and British English.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. After living in the US, she still preferred the _____ clock to the digital one.
2. The old British radios used _____ signals, which are different from todays digital signals.
3. In our chemistry class, we discussed the _____ structure of certain compounds.
4. While visiting London, I noticed an _____ record player in a vintage shop.
5. This device has an _____ output, making it compatible with older systems.
6. Its fascinating how the _____ versions of these devices are making a comeback.
1. After living in the US, she still preferred the analog clock to the digital one.
Explanation: The clue living in the US points towards the American spelling, which is analog.
2. The old British radios used analogue signals, which are different from todays digital signals.
Explanation: The clue British radios indicates the British spelling, which is analogue.
3. In our chemistry class, we discussed the analogue structure of certain compounds.
Explanation: Without a specific clue to indicate American or British context, both analog and analogue can be correct. However, in the context of chemistry and referring to a structure or a compound that is similar in function but different in structure, analogue is more commonly used in both American and British English.
4. While visiting London, I noticed an analogue record player in a vintage shop.
Explanation: Visiting London is the clue that points towards the British spelling, analogue.
5. This device has an analog output, making it compatible with older systems.
Explanation: Without a specific geographic clue, both analog and analogue can be correct. However, in the context of technology and electronic devices, analog is more standard, even in British English.
6. Its fascinating how the analogue versions of these devices are making a comeback.
Explanation: Without a specific clue to indicate American or British context, both analog and analogue can be accepted. However, in this context referring to a version or a type of device, analogue can be slightly more common.
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