Another vs Other
What’s the difference between them?

an additional one of the same kind; an additional or one more item in a series.
1. I don't need one book, I need another.
2. I'm going to try another approach.
3. Let's try it one more time, and if it doesn't work, we'll try another way.
used as a pronoun, adjective, adverb, or interjection to refer to something or someone not previously mentioned.
1. My other sister just had a baby.
2. There are other ways to solve the problem.
3. I was born in another country.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
1. Different
2. Alternative
3. Separate
4. Substitute
5. Divergent
1. Opposite
2. Dissimilar
3. Divergent
4. Reverse
5. Contrast
1. Alternate
2. Different
3. Substitute
4. Exchangeable
5. Alternative Option
1. Opposite
2. Different
3. Reverse
4. Contrasting
5. Incompatible
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Another", "Other".

1. 'Another' is used for items of the same kind, while 'other' is used to refer to items that are not previously mentioned.
2. 'Another' should be used when you are referring to a succession of items that are of the same kind, such as 'I need another apple.'
3. 'Other' should be used when referencing items that are not the same, such as 'Do you have any other fruits?'
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Frequently asked questions
When should 'another' be used?
Another is used when referring to an additional item in a series or an additional item of the same kind. For example, 'I need another cup of coffee,' or 'I need another one of those jackets.'
When is the appropriate context for using 'other'?
Other is used as a pronoun, adjective, adverb, or interjection to refer to something or someone not previously mentioned. For example, 'The other cars were parked on the other side of the street,' or 'Other people may think differently.'
Do the two words share the same pronunciation?
No, the two words do not share the same pronunciation. Another is pronounced 'uh-nuh-dh-er,' and other is pronounced 'uh-dh-er.'
What are some common mistakes people make when using these words?
A common mistake people make when using these words is using them interchangeably. The two words have different meanings and should be used in different contexts. Another should be used when referring to an additional item in a series or an additional item of the same kind. Other should be used as a pronoun, adjective, adverb, or interjection to refer to something or someone not previously mentioned.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. She had already bought one dress, but she decided to purchase _____ dress.
2. He knew that his opinion was unpopular, but he still voiced it, because he felt it was the _____ thing to do.
3. I already ate one slice of pizza, but I decided to have _____ slice.
4. I had already tried one recipe for banana bread, but I wanted to try _____ recipe.
5. They had already sang one song, but they decided to sing _____ song.
6. I had already seen one movie, but I wanted to watch _____ movie.
1. She had already bought one dress, but she decided to purchase another dress.
Explanation: The word another is used to indicate that there is an additional thing being purchased or done, in addition to something that has already been done.
2. He knew that his opinion was unpopular, but he still voiced it, because he felt it was the other thing to do.
Explanation: The word other is used to indicate that there is an alternative or different option available. He felt that voicing his opinion, even though it was unpopular, was the alternative to keeping it to himself.
3. I already ate one slice of pizza, but I decided to have another slice.
Explanation: The word another is used to indicate that there is an additional thing being done, in addition to something that has already been done.
4. I had already tried one recipe for banana bread, but I wanted to try other recipe.
Explanation: The word other is used to indicate that there is an alternative or different option available. He wanted to try a different recipe for banana bread, as opposed to the one he had already tried.
5. They had already sang one song, but they decided to sing other song.
Explanation: The word other is used to indicate that there is an alternative or different option available. They decided to sing a different song, as opposed to the one they had already sang.
6. I had already seen one movie, but I wanted to watch other movie.
Explanation: The word other is used to indicate that there is an alternative or different option available. He wanted to watch a different movie, as opposed to the one he had already seen.
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