Fourth vs Forth

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What’s the difference between them?



Fourth is an ordinal number indicating the fourth position in a series.


1. My fourth birthday was full of fun and surprises.

2. She finished fourth in the race.

3. On the fourth day of the week I usually go to the movies.



Adverb: forward in place, order, or time.


1. She read the poem aloud, word for word, from beginning to forth.

2. She proceeded from there to the forth item on the agenda.

3. The forth article of the contract was the most important.

Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference





next after third

There are no direct antonyms for this word.





Tricks for mastery

Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Fourth", "Forth".

1. Fourth is an adjective that means 'coming immediately after the third in a countable series.'

2. Forth is an adverb that means 'forward or onward in place or time.'

3. A helpful mnemonic device to remember the difference between these two words is: 'Fourth is something that comes before Fifth; Forth is something that moves ahead.'

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Frequently asked questions

When to use the word 'fourth'?

The word 'fourth' is used as an ordinal number, meaning 'coming after the third' or 'coming after the third one in a sequence'. It is typically used to describe the position of an item in a series, such as in the phrase 'fourth in line'. It can also be used to describe a fraction, such as 'one fourth'.

When to use the word 'forth'?

The word 'forth' is typically used as an adverb, meaning 'forward in place or order' or 'forward in time'. It is used to indicate the direction of movement, such as in the phrase 'marching forth', or to indicate the sequence of events, such as in the phrase 'coming forth'.

Do the words 'fourth' and 'forth' have the same pronunciation?

Yes, these words have similar pronunciation, so you have pay attention to the context to use the correct word.

What are common mistakes associated with words 'fourth' and 'forth'?

One of the most common mistakes associated with the words 'fourth' and 'forth' is confusing the two when writing. They are both spelled and pronounced similarly, so it is easy to mix them up. Another mistake that people make is using both words as a noun instead of as an ordinal number or adverb. It is important to recognize the difference in their usage and to use the correct word in the right context.

Fill in the gaps to check yourself

1. The young man decided to go ____ and follow his dreams.

2. The wind blew ____ and away from the shore.

3. We were the ____ ones to arrive at the party.

4. He wanted to reach the highest level of success, so he kept pushing ____.

5. She was filled with joy as she was presented with the award ____ in the competition.

6. The hikers had to climb the mountain ____, as there was no path to the top.

1. Himself.

Explanation: Himself is a reflexive pronoun used to refer back to the subject, John, in this sentence.

2. Himself.

Explanation: Himself is a reflexive pronoun used to refer back to the subject, She, in this sentence.

3. Himself.

Explanation: Himself is a reflexive pronoun used to refer back to the subject, Him, in this sentence.

4. Himself.

Explanation: Himself is a reflexive pronoun used to refer back to the subject, Himself, in this sentence.

5. Himself.

Explanation: Himself is a reflexive pronoun used to refer back to the subject, Him, in this sentence.

6. Himself.

Explanation: Himself is a reflexive pronoun used to refer back to the subject, He, in this sentence.

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