Like vs Alike
What’s the difference between them?

Like: to find agreeable or pleasant; enjoy.
1. She looks just like her mother.
2. I like to go for a run in the morning.
3. He acts like he's the boss.
Similar; having the same characteristics.
1. The twins looked alike, although they were not identical.
2. The two buildings were alike in construction.
3. The siblings were alike in their love of basketball.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
1. Adore
2. Appreciate
3. Cherish
4. Take a fancy to
5. Have an affinity for
1. Dislike
2. Hate
3. Disapprove
4. Detest
5. Abhor
1. Similar
2. Identical
3. Indistinguishable
4. Comparable
5. Resembling
1. Dissimilar
2. Unlike
3. Different
4. Diverse
5. Obscurely distinct
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Like", "Alike".

1. Like refers to feeling a particular emotion, such as pleasure, admiration, or enthusiasm; similar to, or similar in nature to something.
2. Alike refers to having a similar appearance or characteristics; similar.
3. Think of 'like' as the verb for emotion or comparison and 'alike' as the adjective for similarity.
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Frequently asked questions
When should 'Like' be used?
Like can be used as a verb, meaning to enjoy or appreciate something, as in 'I like your shirt.' It can also be used as a preposition, meaning similar to or having the same characteristics as something, as in 'The two cats look like each other.'
When is the appropriate context for using 'Alike'?
Alike is an adjective that means the same or equal in amount, kind, or nature. It is often used to describe people or things that are similar, as in 'The sisters look alike.' It is usually used when comparing two or more people or things.
Do the two words share the same pronunciation?
No, the two words do not share the same pronunciation. Like is pronounced /lahyk/, while alike is pronounced /uh-lahyk/.
What are some common mistakes people make when using these words?
One common mistake is confusing the two words. Like should be used as a verb or preposition, while alike should be used as an adjective. Another common mistake is using like as an adjective, as in 'The cats look like similar.' This should be written as 'The cats look alike.'
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. My sister and I look so much _____ that people often mistake us for twins.
2. Do you _____ chocolate or vanilla ice cream more?
3. The two dresses were almost _____, but one had a slightly different shade of blue.
4. I feel _____ Ive been here before.
5. Penguins and puffins might seem _____, but they have different habitats.
6. Whats it _____ to experience snow for the first time?
1. Answer: alike
Explanation: In this context, alike is used to indicate similarity or resemblance between two entities (the speaker and the sister).
2. Answer: like
Explanation: Here, like is used as a verb to ask about preference.
3. Answer: alike
Explanation: The sentence is describing the similarity between the two dresses, making alike the correct choice.
4. Answer: like
Explanation: The phrase feel like is a common way to express a sensation or perception.
5. Answer: alike
Explanation: The sentence is pointing out a perceived similarity (even if only superficial) between two entities (penguins and puffins), so alike is appropriate.
6. Answer: like
Explanation: The phrase Whats it like is a common way to ask about an experience or sensation.
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