Role vs Roll
What’s the difference between them?

role is a set of connected behaviors, rights, obligations, beliefs, and norms as conceptualized by people in a social situation.
1. I took on the role of teacher for the day.
2. His role in the play required him to wear a costume.
3. She was perfect for the role due to her experience in the field.
To move forward by turning over and over on an axis.
1. I rolled the dough out on the counter.
2. He rolled the ball down the hill.
3. She rolled her eyes in disbelief.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
1. Function
2. Capacity
3. Assignment
4. Part
5. Capacity to act
1. Inaction
2. Obedience
3. Inferiority
4. Passivity
5. Neglecting Responsibility
1. Spin
2. Revolve
3. Twirl
4. Rotate
5. Make headway
1. Stop
2. Stand still
3. Descend
4. Freeze
5. Retreat
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Role", "Roll".

1. Role refers to a part or character someone plays in a particular situation.
2. Roll refers to a cylindrical shape or the act of rolling.
3. Mnemonic phrase: A role is something you play, while a roll is something you do to move.
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Frequently asked questions
In what situations should the first word be used?
The word 'role' should be used to describe a function or part that someone or something has in a particular situation. For example, 'She played the role of the lead character in the play.'
When is the appropriate context for using the second word?
The word 'roll' can be used as a verb or a noun in various contexts. As a noun, it can refer to a list or a quantity of something, like 'a roll of fabric', or to a cylindrical shape, such as 'bread rolls'. As a verb, it can be used to describe movement or the act of wrapping something around something else, like 'The cat rolled around in the grass'.
Do the two words share the same pronunciation?
The two words do not share the same pronunciation. 'Role' is pronounced with a long 'o' sound, while 'roll' is pronounced with a short 'o' sound.
What are some common mistakes people make when using these words?
Common mistakes people make when using these words include confusing 'role' and 'roll' because of their similar spellings, or using 'roll' as a verb when it should be used as a noun.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. The actor was excited about his new ________ in the upcoming film.
2. Can you please ________ the dough into a long, thin shape?
3. Every member of the team has a specific ________ to play.
4. The ball began to ________ down the hill rapidly.
5. The director of the project explained each persons ________ during the meeting.
6. I love to ________ down the grassy hill in the park during summer.
1. role
Explanation: The context here is about an actor in a film, which relates to a set of behaviors or a character portrayal, hence role is the correct word.
2. roll
Explanation: The action described is about shaping dough, which involves movement. The correct word that fits this context is roll.
3. role
Explanation: The sentence speaks about members of a team having a specific function or part to play, which corresponds to the meaning of role.
4. roll
Explanation: The action described involves movement of a ball on an axis, so the word roll is the appropriate choice.
5. role
Explanation: The context refers to a director explaining duties or functions during a meeting, which means role is the right word.
6. roll
Explanation: The action of moving down a hill in the manner described, especially in a playful or carefree context, is called roll.
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