What part of speech is “want”

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want is a noun that refers to a strong feeling of desire or a lack of something.

It is often used in the phrase 'a want for something', as in 'I have a want for a new car.' It can also be used to refer to something that is desired or lacking, as in 'She has a want for companionship.' When used as a noun, it is typically not followed by an article.

1. I have a want for the latest technology.

2. He has a want for a new house.

3. She has a want for a break from work.

When using want as a noun, it is always preceded by a determiner, such as ‘a’ or ‘the’. It can also be preceded by possessive pronouns, such as ‘my’ or ‘their’.


want can also be used as a verb, often meaning to wish for, desire, or yearn for something.

When used as a verb, it can be used in both present and past tense. In the present tense, it is often followed by an infinitive verb, as in 'I want to go for a walk'. It can also be used to express a sense of need or obligation, as in 'I want you to be there'.

1. I want to go to the movies.

2. He wants to take a break from work.

3. She wants you to be there.

When using want as a verb, it is usually followed by an infinitive verb. Additionally, it should always agree with the subject's number and pronouns should always agree with the objects. For example, 'He wants to see her' is correct, but 'He want to see she' is incorrect.

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