Strived vs Strove
What’s the difference between them?

Common misspelling of 'Storve.'
no examples
the past tense of 'strive,' meaning to try very hard or make great efforts towards a goal.
1. He strove to be the best at his job.
2. She strove to make her dreams a reality.
3. They strove to reach a mutual understanding.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
This word doesn't exist, so there are no synonyms for it.
This word doesn't exist, so there are no antonyms for it.
1. Endeavored
2. Made an effort
3. Tried hard
4. Strived for
5. Aspired to
1. Surrendered
2. Relented
3. Despaired
4. Shied away
5. Gave up
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Strived", "Strove".

1. Strived is the common misspelling.
2. Strove is the correct conjugantion of the verb 'to strive.'
3. Useful mnemonics may be: 'strived' is wrong, the correct - 'strove.'
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Frequently asked questions
In what situations should the word 'Strived' be used?
The word 'strived' is the incorrect word and should be avoided in English language.
When is the appropriate context for using the word 'Strove'?
The word 'strove' is also the past tense of the verb 'to strive,' and should also be used when talking about a past action. For example, 'he strove to make the deadline.'
Do the two words share the same pronunciation?
No, strove is pronounced as /strəʊv/, while strived is pronounced as /straivd/
What are some common mistakes people make when using these words?
The most common mistake people make when using these words is using the wrong one. 'Strived' is incorrect word, while 'strove' is correct.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. The ambitious entrepreneur ___________ to reach the top of her industry.
2. She ___________ to make her dreams come true.
3. Every day he ___________ to achieve his goals.
4. The actor ___________ to become famous.
5. The poor family ___________ to make ends meet.
6. The student ___________ to get good grades.
1. The ambitious entrepreneur strove to reach the top of her industry.
Explanation: The word strove here is being used as the past tense of strive, which means to make a great effort to achieve a goal. Therefore, the ambitious entrepreneur is making great effort to reach the top of her industry.
2. She strove to make her dreams come true.
Explanation: The word strove here is being used as the past tense of strive, which means to make a great effort to achieve a goal. Therefore, she is making great effort to make her dreams come true.
3. Every day he strove to achieve his goals.
Explanation: The word strove here is being used as the past tense of strive, which means to make a great effort to achieve a goal. Therefore, he is making great effort to achieve his goals.
4. The actor strove to become famous.
Explanation: The word strove here is being used as the past tense of strive, which means to make a great effort to achieve a goal. Therefore, the actor is making great effort to become famous.
5. The poor family strove to make ends meet.
Explanation: The word strove here is being used as the past tense of strive, which means to make a great effort to achieve a goal. Therefore, the poor family is making great effort to make ends meet.
6. The student strove to get good grades.
Explanation: The word strove here is being used as the present tense of strive, which means to make a great effort to achieve a goal. Therefore, the student is making great effort to get good grades.
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