What part of speech is “dirty”

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as an adjective, 'dirty' describes a noun, indicating that it is unclean or soiled. It can refer to actual physical filth or be used metaphorically to describe something morally or ethically impure.

The kids came home with dirty clothes after playing in the mud.

He was involved in some dirty business dealings.

The politician played dirty tricks to win the election.

'Dirty' can be used in various contexts, from literal cleanliness to metaphorical or ethical impurity. It's essential to understand the context to grasp the intended meaning. 'Dirty' can also be used in various idiomatic expressions, like 'talk dirty' (speak about sexual matters) or 'do the dirty work' (do the unpleasant tasks).


while 'dirty' is primarily recognized as an adjective, it's less commonly used as an adverb, especially in informal contexts. When used adverbially, it emphasizes the manner in which an action is done, often implying that it's done in a deceitful, underhanded, or 'dirty' way.

He plays dirty when it comes to business competitions.

She doesn't just compete; she competes dirty.

They campaigned dirty to tarnish their opponent's reputation.

The adverbial use of 'dirty' is less formal and might not be suitable for all contexts. It's more colloquial and is often found in spoken English or informal writing. It's essential to differentiate between the adjectival and adverbial uses of 'dirty.' The context and sentence structure will usually make the intended use clear.

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